Thorntonbank Wind Farm

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The Thorntonbank Wind Farm is being built by C-power and will consist of 60 wind turbines of 5 MW capacity on the Thornton sandbank, 28 km off the Belgian coast, in water ranging from 12 to 27 metres deep. A 37 km 150 kV sea cable will connect the Thorntonbank Wind Farm to the shore.[1]

Electricity will be fed into the grid from September 2008. This wind farm with a total installed capacity of 300 MW will produce about 1000 GWh/year, sufficient to provide 600,000 people with renewable energy. This will result in a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to 450,000 ton/year.[2]

[edit] Environmental assessment

Wind farms can have an impact on seabirds and marine mammals. To assess this environmental impact C-Power has enlisted the assistance of the Instituut voor Natuurbehoud (Institute of Nature Conservation) to obtain the most detailed possible information on the occurrence of these animal species at Thornton Bank and to assess the possible impact of a wind farm on them.[3]

The wind turbines in this far shore wind farm will just be visible as small dots on the horizon. How the impact of this on the landscape will be perceived is being studied by WES-Onderzoek & Advies, who were also involved in earlier research in connection with the perceived impact on the landscape of near shore wind farms.[3]

Offshore wind farms may have an impact on sea fishing. Certain areas may be closed to commercial fishing, as a result of which the total area that can be fished is reduced, but new habitats may also be created as a result. The basis for this study is a thorough investigation of the importance of the Thornton Bank for sea fishing.[3]

Offshore wind farms create new structures at sea and by definition they therefore pose an additional risk to the safety of shipping. C-Power has, however, chosen a location which is a long way from the most important shipping routes so that this risk can be reduced to a minimum. C-Power will be calling upon the specialised knowledge of well-respected German consultants Germanischer Lloyd.[3]

[edit] See also

[edit] References
