Thorne system (1992)

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A modern system of plant taxonomy, the Thorne system (1992) of plant classification was drawn up by the botanist Robert F. Thorne (1920- ). He replaced it in 2000 with a new system. These two systems were published in:

  • R.F. Thorne (1968). "Synopsis of a putative phylogenetic classification of flowering plants". Aliso 6(4): 57–66. 
  • R.F. Thorne (1992). "Classification and geography of flowering plants". Botanical Review 58: 225–348. doi:10.1007/BF02858611. 
  • R.F. Thorne (1992). "An updated phylogenetic classification of the flowering plants". Aliso 13: 365–389. 
  • R.F. Thorne (2000). "The classification and geography of the flowering plants: dicotyledons of the class Angiospermae". Botanical Review 66: 441–647. doi:10.1007/BF02869011. 

The system is available online at two sites. Firstly, at the Center for the Study of Digital Libraries Texas A&M (CSDL, Texas). Secondly in the 1999 lecture notes by J.L. Reveal, at that time a professor at the Norton Brown Herbarium, University of Maryland (1, 2, 3; with an extensive listing of synonyms, both nomenclatural and taxonomic, for each name in the system). According to the latter site the main groups in the system are:

  • class Magnoliopsida [= angiosperms ]
    subclass Magnoliidae [= dicotyledons ]
    superorder Magnolianae
    superorder Nymphaeanae
    superorder Rafflesianae
    superorder Caryophyllanae
    superorder Theanae
    superorder Celastranae
    superorder Malvanae
    superorder Violanae
    superorder Santalanae
    superorder Geranianae
    superorder Rutanae
    superorder Proteanae
    superorder Rosanae
    superorder Cornanae
    superorder Asteranae
    superorder Solananae
    superorder Loasanae
    superorder Myrtanae
    superorder Gentiananae
    subclass Liliidae [= monocotyledons ]
    superorder Lilianae
    superorder Hydatellanae
    superorder Triuridanae
    superorder Aranae
    superorder Cyclanthanae
    superorder Pandananae
    superorder Arecanae
    superorder Commelinanae

The Thorne system (1992) counts 440 families and 69 orders: