Thorn Commission

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 President ThornTerm: 1981-1985  Party: LDR
President Thorn
Term: 1981-1985  Party: LDR

The Thorn Commission was the European Commission that held office from 6 January 1981 until 5 January 1985. Its President was Gaston Thorn.


[edit] Work

It was the successor to the Jenkins Commission and was succeeded by the Delors Commission. With a current economic criss, it had to speed up enlargement to Greece, Spain and Portugal while making steps towards the Single European Act in 1985.[1] However with a period of eurosclerosis, due to economic problems and British vetoing over the Community budget, Thorn was unable to exert his influence to any significant extent.[2]

[edit] Membership

Portfolio Member state Office-holder
President Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg Gaston Thorn
Delegate of the President; personnel and administration; Statistical Office; Office for Official Publications Flag of Ireland Ireland Richard Burke (after the retirement of Michael O'Kennedy in 1982 to contest the Irish general election)
External Relations including Nuclear Affairs Flag of Germany Germany Wilhelm Haferkamp
Budget and Financial Control, Financial Institutions and Taxation
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Christopher Tugendhat
Industrial Affairs and Energy Flag of Belgium Belgium Étienne Davignon
Mediterranean policy; enlargement; information Flag of Italy Italy Lorenzo Natali
Economic and Financial Affairs
Flag of France France François-Xavier Ortoli
Regional policy and coordination of Community funds Flag of Italy Italy Antonio Giolitti
Development (to May 1981) Flag of France France Claude Cheysson
Development (from May 1981) Flag of France France Edgard Pisani (after Cheysson's nomination to the French Government in 1981)
Agriculture and Fisheries Flag of Denmark Denmark Finn Olav Gundelach
Agriculture and Fisheries Flag of Denmark Denmark Poul Dalsager (after Finn Gundelach's death in 1981)
Internal market, industrial innovation, customs union, the environment, consumer protection and nuclear safety Flag of Germany Germany Karl-Heinz Narjes
Transport; fisheries; coordination of questions related to tourism Flag of Greece Greece Giorgios Contogeorgis
Personnel, Administration and the Statistics Office Flag of Ireland Ireland Michael O'Kennedy (until 1982)
Employment and Social Affairs Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom Ivor Richard
Relations with the European Parliament and competition Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands Frans Andriessen
The Thorn Commission
The Thorn Commission

[edit] Summary by political leanings

The colour of the row indicates the approximate political leaning of the office holder using the following scheme:

affiliation number of commissioners
right leaning / conservative six
liberal one
left leaning / socialist four
unknown/independent six

[edit] References

  1. ^ Discover the former Presidents: The Thorn Commission, Europa (web portal), Accessed 23 August 2007
  2. ^ Eppink, Derk-Jan; Ian Connerty (translator) (2007). Life of a European Mandarin: Inside the Commission, 1st edition (in English), Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo, p.24. ISBN 978-9020970227.