Thomas M. Carnegie

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Thomas M. Carnegie (October 2, 1843-October 19, 1886) was a Scottish-born American industrialist. He was born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, and emigrated to the United States, where he was associated with his brother Andrew Carnegie, a famous philanthropist and steel industry leader in the steel business enterprises in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Carnegie and his wife Lucy had 9 children. They purchased a major portion of Cumberland Island, Georgia's southernmost barrier island on the Atlantic Coast in Camden County, Georgia. The initial development of their Cumberland Estate was construction of a large mansion called the Dungeness. After Thomas' early death, his wife obtained wealth upon Andrew Carnegie's sale of a portion of the Carnegie's steel industry. Her percentage of family ownership in the industry was low, but the enormous sale price provided adequate capital to continue the Cumberland Estate development. Thomas Carnegie died of pneumonia in Homewood, Pennsylvania.