Template:Thorium series

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[edit] Thorium series

The 4n chain of Th-232 is commonly called the "thorium series". In the following charts, the letter 'a' represents a year.

nuclide historic name (short) historic name (long) decay mode half life energy released, MeV product of decay
252Cf α 2.645 a 6.1181 248Cm
248Cm α 3.4×105 a 6.260 244Pu
244Pu α 8×107 a 4.589 240U
240U β- 14.1 h .39 240Np
240Np β- 1.032 h 2.2 240Pu
244Cm α 18 a 5.8048 240Pu
240Pu α 6561 a 5.1683 236U
236U α 2.3·107 a 4.494 232Th
232Th Th Thorium α 1.405·1010 a 4.081 228Ra
228Ra MsTh1 Mesothorium 1 β- 5.75 a 0.046 228Ac
228Ac MsTh2 Mesothorium 2 β- 6.25 h 2.124 228Th
228Th RdTh Radiothorium α 1.9116 a 5.520 224Ra
224Ra ThX Thorium X α 3.6319 d 5.789 220Rn
220Rn Tn Thoron α 55.6 s 6.404 216Po
216Po ThA Thorium A α 0.145 s 6.906 212Pb
212Pb ThB Thorium B β- 10.64 h 0.570 212Bi
212Bi ThC Thorium C β- 64.06%
α 35.94%
60.55 min 2.252
212Po ThC' Thorium C' α 299 ns 8.955 208Pb
208Tl ThC" Thorium C" β- 3.053 min 4.999 208Pb
208Pb . stable . .