Wizardology: The Secrets of Merlin

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Wizardology: The Secrets of Merlin is a book created and published by The Templar Company plc in the UK and published by Candlewick Press in America in 2005. The book was allegedly written by Merlin himself and is the third book in the 'Ology series. Wizardology is the third of five books in the 'Ology series, which also include Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons, Egyptology: Search for the Tomb of Osiris, Pirateology: A Pirate Hunter's Companion, and Mythology: Greek Gods, Heroes, & Monsters. The book "Monsterology" by Ernest Drake will be released in August 2008 and "Spyology" will be released in October of 2008. Wizardology is filled with supposed spells and magical information. There are numerous pockets, flaps, secret codes, and scavenger hunts hidden throughout the book. The actual author was Dugald A. Steer, while the book was designed by Nghiem Ta and features the artwork of Helen Ward, Tomislav Tomic, John Howe and Anne Yvonne Gilbert.

[edit] Chapters

  • Chapter I: The Work of a Wizard
  • Chapter II: A Wizard's Map of the World
  • Chapter III: The Master Wizard's Workshop
  • Chapter IV: A Wizard's Robes & Tools
  • Chapter V: Spellcraft
  • Chapter VI: A Wizard's Loyal Familiars
  • Chapter VII: A Wizard's Menagerie of Magical Beasts
  • Chapter VIII: Magical Flight & Flying Carpets
  • Chapter IX: Potions, Healing, & Magical Transformations
  • Chapter X: Amulets, Talismans, & Magical Items
  • Chapter XI: Divination & Crystal Gazing
  • Chapter XII: Alchemy, Astrology, & the New Sciences
  • Chapter XIII: Famous Wizards of History
  • Conclusion, or the Mystery of Wizardology Revealed & Concealed

Another book is included too. At the end there is a little book called Harpier's Book, used to answer questions.

  • The point of this book is to see if you are worthy of becoming a wizard. And if you are, how to become one. At the beginning of the book, chapter one, under the picture of the wizard Dr. Faustus there is a section called a Wizard's Test. It says the only way to become a wizard is first to find the thirteen magical items of Britain, Chapter X(10), they are hidden among the images of this book. They are marked with his special symbol that looks like a sideways hourglass, but that is the easy part. Throughout the book are many tasks you must accomplish before you become a wizard, including what tree to make your wand out of and when, and the workplace you must have.

Chapter One introduces you to the purpose of the book including the little I spy game for the 13 magical items of Britain. Secrets: How to call Harpier.

Chapter Two is just a map showing what kinds of wizards are where. Also a spell to assist sailors, you will find many 'hidden spells' like that in the book so be on the lookout! Secrets: first 'hidden' spell.

Chapter Three is talking about the workshop you require and some of the nessicary items you will need that are most likely found in a wizard workshop. Secrets: Two other Ology books bottom left, one of the thirteen magical items of Britain and the only one I will tell you about, pulling tabs to make object move or change shape.

Chapter Four tells us about different wizard, umm 'fashions' we shall call it, and, more importantly about your wand. you should probably make your wand out of the tree that does the magic you want to preform like oak for creativity related spells. It must be preformed during the night of a new moon. Please ask the tree you are taking the branch from if it's O.K. Secrets: the fairy flag, the athame to cut your wand, you must cut your wand with an athame.

Chapter Five is all about the spells. It includes a booklet on easy peasy spells, the four main spells, animating, transforming, healing, and affecting. A most popular transforming spell is the aniforum which is show in the bottom left. two other popular spells are shown, Sepher's Golem to protect your workshop, and Kee's Locater to find a missing object by using a bird or cat. Secrets: Vivienne's circle a protection spell see bottom right, Defensive Magic.

Chapter Six is about how to find, name, and care for wizard familiars. Popular familiars are sogs, cats, toads, ducks, fish, and owls. Includes a booklet with familiar name ideas. There are two spells here, one for finding a familiar and asking it to be your pet or I mean familiar, and one for a naming ritual thingy. Secrets: In the common wizard familiars box, there are 5 familiars and they are Merlins.

Chapter Seven is for those magical beasts we've heard from harry potter and a six legged salamander. There are 8 main creatures here. Unicorn, dragon, salamander, elephant, gryphon, phoenix, giant asp (snake), and a camelopard. Its a giraffe. It says if you make a carpet from its mane then it will fly without having to get and make and place those stupid ingredients. Secrets: This one is obvious, a little pendant with a dragon and a dragon egg. If you missed that, you should see the doctor.

Chapter Eight: Flying, yes! Four things to make you go, flying ointment, flying shoes, flying carpet and a broomstick, which is very uncomfortable for your butt. Secrets: Magical phoenix feather, don't leave that seal open when not being used or your book may fly away. Phoenix feathers tend to do that.

Chapter Nine: Potions. Four main types, love, healing, wisdom, and future seeing, which includes a spell. There is also a booklet about commonly used herbs. Last, a couple of tales to teach irresponsible wizards a lesson. Secrets: A poem in the bottom right corner.

Chapter Ten: Magical Items. In this chapter are different talismans, amulets, wind knots, and a table for spells. It says the table can help with spells based around the planets.There is also a section on Dark Magic. Secrets: the list of the Thirteen Magical Items of Britain.

Chapter Eleven: Telling the future. First thing you see next to the skeleton and the doomed girl is four popular things used to see the future. Crystal ball, bowl of water, polished stone, one on the cover can work, and a mirror, magic of course. There is palmistry and dowsing. And reading the cards that come with the book. Secrets: None.

Chapter 12: Science, alchemy, and astronomy. There is a brief section on magnetism, the Philosophers stone, the solar system, what people thought it was then, and now. Secrets: One of the magical items. It states that alchemy is for scientists and wizards.

Chapter 13 Famous Wizards.

Chapter 14:The conclusion. In here lies, a way to communicate with fellow wizards, the yellow paper, a letter from Dr. D, and in the bottom left corner is your final task. Secrets: you see, Merlin's staff? That treasure chest its pointing at can be lifted, reading, "Open it if you dare." From where it says the point of this book is... was written by Serena