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Ascribed Status
Ascribed status is determined by one's position derived primarily through inheritance. Also when a person's position in society is fixed (or ascribed to him or her by others) on the basis of family background or genetic inheritance. Racial, ethnic, and religious differences, as well as gender, often serve as the basis for ascribed status. Other people that are born into ascribed status are people born into royalty. Since the child came into the world with their care givers having royal lineage, the child has inherited those royal blood lines as well. Being wealthy does not necessarily describe all of ascribed status. religion is also a factor in ascribed status as well. If you family is born a specific religion be it christian, hindu, muslim, etc., you are proclaimed that status at birth because of your upbringing. Ascribed status can also be closely linked with master status as they both involve what you were born with although master status is a broader term and looks at more topics than ascribed status. Another way to look at ascribed status is through the caste system in India.
The caste system in India long has been an extreme example of a stratification structure based on ascribed status. Each level in the stratification structure is known as a caste. Everyone is born belonging to a specific caste. The caste of the parents thus generally determines the status of their children, regardless of ability or merit. The ranks of the caste system include:
Brahmins- These is the highest rank of the whole caste system. The Brahmins consist of all priests, scholars, and enlightened people that have been through many lives.
Kshatriyas- These are the rulers, warriors, and those concerned with the defense and administration of the well being of their town or village.
Vaishyas- These people consisted of all the traders, merchants, and people involved in agricultural production
Sudra- These people are the lowest of the caste system. Hindu religion believes this class is where first life starts. The sudras spend most of their time being the laborers and servants for the other castes.
Untouchables- The untouchables are the lowest of the low. They are so low that they do not have a place in the caste system. The jobs of these people include the cleaning of dead bodies and fecal excrement.