User:The Schist
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The Adventures of the Schist
The Schist walked to the strip club and said, "Bullschist!" Then, he got excited and he raped a stripper named Amanda. He got really wasted. The police came and were like, "What the schist are you doing?!?!" "I just took a schist," he said. "I'm sorry officer. Next time, I'll remember to lick it off of the ground." "What? Bullschist!" said the officer. "Get in my schisthole (police car)!" "SCHIST!!!!!" he said. Then he ate some schnitzel and went to the schist station where he felt like schist. So to keep occupied, he counted schist in his sleep after taking a HUGE SCHIST. Then he went to sleep after counting 1,502,743 schists.
This story was created by students in a social studies class while watching a movie. A paper was circulated around the room, and bada boom, we had a story about schist. P.S. Next is probably rock dating or relative dating.