Trump: The Game

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Trump: The Game is a real-estate boardgame based on Donald Trump and many of his business dealings. It also is based on his reality TV show "The Apprentice".

[edit] Gameplay

The game is played by 3-4 players who each have a T shaped pawn and move their piece clockwise around the circular game area. Each player starts out with $500 million in cash and 7 Trump Cards [1]. The players role one die to see who goes first. The play progresses with the player to the right of the first player going next. Whenever a property is landed on an amount from 10-40 million Trump money is added to the property; whether or not it is owned. Whenever someone lands on a FOR SALE space, one remaining, unsold property must be sold. A property does not have to be sold on a FOR SALE that includes OR DRAW A TRUMP CARD.

[edit] Bibliography

1.Trump: The Game Rule Book p.3

[edit] References

  1. ^ Trump: The Game Rule Book p.3