Theatre of Pompey

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Theatre of Pompey
Theatre of Pompey
Theatre of Pompey
Location Regione XI Circus Maximus
Built in 55 BC
Built by/for Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Type of structure Roman theatre (structure)

Theatre of Pompey

The Theatre of Pompey (Latin Theatrum Pompeium, Italian: Teatro di Pompeo) is an ancient building of the Roman Republic era, built around 55 BC, once the world's largest theater. It was one of the first permanent (non-wooded) theatres in Rome. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, financed his theatre to gain political popularity during his second consulship.[1] It was not only a theatre; the building also had a large central garden decorated with statues of great artists and actors, long arcades exhibiting collections of paintings and sculpture as well as a large space suitable for holding public gatherings and meetings. The theatre was crowned with a temple to Venus Victrix, Pompey's personal deity (compared to Julius Caesar's worship of Venus Genetrix as his personal deity). Some modern scholars believe this was not mere piety, but essential in order that the structure should not be seen as a self-promoting extravagance as well as overcome a moratorium on permanent theatre buildings.[2]

The remains of the east side of the Portico attached to the theatre and 3 of 4 temples from an earlier period often associated with the theatre can be seen on the Largo di Torre Argentina. The 4th temple remains largely covered by the modern streets of Rome. This archaeological site was excavated by order of Mussolini in the 1920s and 30s. The scarce remains of the theatre itself can be found off the Via di Grotta Pinta underground; vaults from the original theatre can be found in the cellar rooms of restaurants off this street, as well as in the walls of the hotel Albergo Sole al Biscione

During the theatre's long history, which stretches from 55BC to approximately 1455AD, the structure endured several restorations due mainly to fire. Eventually falling into disrepair, it became a quarry for the stone that had made up the large theatre.


[edit] Architecture

The characteristics of Roman theatres are similar to those of the earlier Greek theatres, on which they are based. Much of the architectural influence on the Romans came from the Greeks, and theatre structural design was no different from other buildings. However, Roman theatres have specific differences, such as being built upon their own foundations instead of earthen works or a hillside and being completely enclosed on all sides. Roman theatres derive their basic design from the Theatre of Pompey, the first permanent Roman theatre.

Model of the Theatre of Pompey showing much of the detail of the structure, including the garden area behind the stage.
Model of the Theatre of Pompey showing much of the detail of the structure, including the garden area behind the stage.

The Romans built concrete foundations from the ground up, creating vaulted corridors underneath the seating as access to each section of the auditorium. In doing this a circular exterior was created using the Roman innovation of the arch. This innovation allowed for a much larger edifice with greater structural integrity. This also made the auditorium a structure in itself and not just simple earthen works. This is not to say that all Roman theatres were built in this manner, only that Romans could build their theatres in even the flattest lands.

The stage section of the theatre is attached directly to the auditorium making both a singular structure enclosed all around, where Greek theatres separate the two. This made for both better acoustics and limited the entrance to the building allowing tickets to be collected at central access areas. Clay pottery tickets being another Roman innovation.

This architecture was copied for nearly all future theatres and amphitheaters within the ancient city of Rome and throughout the empire. Notable structures that used this similar style are the Colosseum and the Theatre of Marcellus, both of which have ruins that still exist in Rome today.

[edit] Complex

The entire theatre structure was large enough to include multiple uses. Even when performances were not scheduled the theatre was busy with activity with varied purposes. The Temple of Venus as it's crown on one side and the more ancient sacred area on the other made the site of religious importance as well. Today nearly all archaeological work is focused at the remains of the theatre section. However, the theatre included a completely enclosed private garden with museum collections and meeting spaces that expanded past the auditorium, orchestra and stage.

[edit] Temples

In order to build the theatre as a permanent stone structure a number of things were done, including building outside the city walls. By dedicating the theatre to Venus Vitrix and building the temple central within the cavea Pompey makes the structure a large shrine to his personal deity. He also incorporates a section of 4 Republican temples from an earlier period called the "Sacred Area" in what is today know as Largo di Torre Argentina. The entire complex is built directly off the older section witch directs the structure's layout.

[edit] Garden and museums

The theatre Complex itself was designed for all the many artistic accomplishments of the time. The theatre also played host to a fully enclosed garden with fountains and sculpture surrounded by long columned portico's located directly behind the Stage. Inside the surrounding arcades of the garden area were exhibits of art. Large collections of paintings along with great Sculptures adorned the entire complex. Many pieces survive in museums through out Rome today.

[edit] Curia, assassination of Caesar

Julius Caesar is assassinated in the Curia of the Theatre of Pompey)
Julius Caesar is assassinated in the Curia of the Theatre of Pompey)

Occasionally, the Roman Senate would meet at the Theatre of Pompey in its Curia located at the rear of the garden complex. One such meeting was on the Ides of March, 44 BC. It was during this meeting that Julius Caesar was killed. This single violent act was one of the most memorable moments in Roman history and set the stage for the end of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

While history records this location as the place Caesar fell, it is often confused with other meeting spaces by the senate. The first senate building was The Curia Hostilia built in the century BC by Tullus Hostilius and repaired in 80 BC by Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Curia Julia was begun by Caesar before his death on a different location after the first curia was destroyed by fire.

Today most of the location of the curia at the Theatre of Pompey is covered by roadway, however a portion of its wall is uncovered near the Sacred Area excavated by Mussolini.

[edit] The site today

Graphic of modern Rome in grey and the white overlay of the theater
Graphic of modern Rome in grey and the white overlay of the theater

Due in large part to Christian influence and the church view on theater, the site fell into disrepair and much was dismantled and carted off to build other structures throughout the city. Part of the building was made into a fortress during medieval times. Much of what is left today is located in cellars of the surrounding neighborhood of hotels, homes and restaurants.

Pieces from the structure can be located through out the city of Rome, including sculpture and other archaeological finds. The largest intact sections of the theater are found in the Palazzo della Cancelleria, which used much of the bone colored travertine for its exterior from the theatre. The large red and grey columns used in its courtyard are from the porticos of the theater, however they were originally taken from the theater to build the old Basilica of S. Lorenzo.[3]

Located in the Campus Martius a dense neighborhood of later buildings has grown in and around the area, The entire site is now covered by later buildings and streets. However, the shape of the theatre is still distinguishable in an aerial view. In some locations, buildings were built directly on top of the theatres original foundations from the curved seating. This has resulted several curved buildings and streets.

Limited archaeological work on the site has taken place over the years. Many early excavations were not documented however a few have done some work to estimate the area and map out plans based on the broken marble map that once hung in the Temple of Peace called the Forma Urbis Romae.

Luigi Canina (1795-1856) was the first to undertake serious research on the Theater. It was Canina who discovered the representation of the theater on the Forma Urbis as well as the first study of the existing remains. His are the first re-construction drawings to be attempted. It was on these drawings that Martin Blazeby based his recent 3D images.[4]

Newer, more recent studies have been carried out just in the past few years. Because of the modern buildings and streets as well as other factors like plumbing and electrical sources, digging for theatre remains has always been difficult. Recent projects have developed more updated plans of the theatre and its location more accurately identified.

[edit] Archeology

The Forma Urbis with cavea of theatrum Pompei shown
The Forma Urbis with cavea of theatrum Pompei shown

The site of the theater has been heavily plundered of nearly all of it stones and columns but there still exits basement and sub-basement levels beneath what was spectator seating which have all endured centuries of subsequent construction. Roman ruins were built directly onto by subsequent owners of land, using the original Roman structures as foundations. Stronger and cheaper than building new. The Theatre of Marcellus has several apartments still in use from the small fortress built on top of its ruins.

Interest from bits and pieces of the structure that had been found in the area from Renaissance construction to mid 1700s inspired interest for a serious look at the theatre.

Luigi Canina began the first study of the Forma Urbis and attempt a reconstruction from known ruins found and recorded descriptions of the building in the early 1800s. These illustrations were then later modified by Victoire Baltard, a French architect in 1837. Baltard also made two excavations in the surrounding area uncovering remains of the exterior and scaenae frons.

In 1865 an excavation while digging a foundation for a new building for Pietro Righetti, who owned Palazzo Pio at the time, discovered parts of Temple of Venus Victrix.

Not until 1997 was any serious archaeological study made of the area. Directed by Prof. Richard Beacham and co-directed by Prof. James Packer, a team based at the University of Warwick began a comprehensive survey of the existing state of the remains of the Theatre. In 2002, Architect Silenzi and Professor Packer began excavation at Palazzo Pio.

[edit] Existing Roman Theatres of this style

Although smaller in size we can imagine with this existing structure in Orange what the Theatre of Pompey would have looked like
Although smaller in size we can imagine with this existing structure in Orange what the Theatre of Pompey would have looked like

Although the Theatre of Pompey no longer exists as a structure today, many similar buildings do survive throughout Europe and Africa. They help us to understand what the Theatre of Pompey was to the ancients, and how this single theatre had influences all over the empire. The best examples of this type of theatre can be found outside of Italy. One such theatre is in the town of Orange, Rhone Valley France, known as Théâtre antique d'Orange. The exterior of this theatre remains very well preserved. Unfortunately it was built upon a hillside and does not have the curved front. Instead the theatre is reversed with the curved seating section in the rear. Others theatres exist in Spain and Africa with remains that demonstrate the multiple arched curve of the exterior as well as better preserved stage areas.

While there is a theatre in the remains of the city of Pompeii,[5] which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption, the Theatre of Pompey was located in Rome, Italy and was much larger in scale. The theatre that is located in Pompeii does however have a similar back garden area enclosed like the one that was in Rome. The theatre in Pompeii is still in use today, as are many remaining Roman theatres

[edit] References

  1. ^ History of the Theater - Antiquity
  2. ^ Theatrum Pompeii in Platner & Ashby
  3. ^ Middleton, John Henry (1892). Remains of Ancient Rome, volume 2. Adamant Media Corporation, 69. ISBN 140217473X. 
  4. ^ Site Documentation
  5. ^ Theater of Pompeii. AncientWorlds LLC. Retrieved on 2008-13-05.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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