The Wish List (political organization)

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For other uses of The Wish List, please see The Wish List (disambiguation)

The Wish List is an organization whose acronym for Women In the Senate and House. It is a political action committee devoted to getting pro-choice Republican women elected to the House of Representatives and Senate, The Wish List was founded in 1992. It can be considered a counterpart to two other organizations: Emily's List, whose goal is to elect pro-choice Democratic women, and the Susan B. Anthony List, whose goal is to elect pro-life women. The Wish List maintains strong alliances with other moderate to liberal Republican groups, such as The Republican Majority For Choice, It's My Party Too, and Republicans For Choice.


[edit] Members

  • Wish List Chairwoman, Glenda L. Greenwald
  • President, Pat Giardina Carpenter
  • Secretary, Victoria Toensing
  • Treasurer, Maureen H. Lydon

[edit] Senate

[edit] House

[edit] Governors

[edit] Other State wide offices

[edit] State Senate

  • Carolyn Allen, Arizona
  • Toni Hellon, Arizona
  • Cathy Cook, Connecticut
  • Judith Freedman, Connecticut
  • Liane Sorenson, Delaware
  • Barbara Allen, Kansas
  • Jean Kurtis Schodorf, Kansas
  • Vicki Schmidt, Kansas
  • June Gibbs, Rhode Island
  • Cheryl Pflug, Washington

[edit] State House

  • Gabrielle LeDoux, Alaska
  • Michele Reagan, Arizona
  • Penny Bacchiochi, Connecticut
  • Toni Boucher, Connecticut
  • Ruth Fahrbach, Connecticut
  • Livvy Floren, Connecticut
  • Lile Gibbons, Connecticut
  • Sonya Googins, Connecticut
  • DebraLee Hovey, Connecticut
  • Themis Klarides, Connecticut
  • Claudia Powers, Connecticut
  • Pamela Ziegler Sawyer, Connecticut
  • Lenny Winkler, Connecticut
  • Donna Stone, Delaware
  • Nancy Wagner, Delaware
  • Donna Clark, Florida
  • Faye Culp, Florida
  • Nancy Detert, Florida
  • Jana Kemp, Idaho
  • Susan Williams Gifford, Massachusetts
  • Shirley Gomes, Massachusetts
  • Karyn Polito, Massachusetts
  • Susan Pope, Massachusetts
  • Mary Rogeness, Massachusetts
  • Kathlyn Fares, Missouri
  • Julie Brown, New Hampshire
  • Patricia Dunlap, New Hampshire
  • Stephanie Eaton, New Hampshire
  • Sheila Francoeur, New Hampshire
  • Elizabeth Hager, New Hampshire
  • Sandra Balomenos Keans, New Hampshire
  • Vicki Berger, Oregon
  • Sue Cornell, Pennsylvania
  • Carole Rubley, Pennsylvania
  • Carol Mumford, Rhode Island
  • Jodi Cutler, South Dakota
  • Joyce Errecart, Vermont

[edit] External links