The Weathered Underground

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The Weathered Underground
Directed by David N. Donihue
Written by David N. Donihue
Music by Punko
Release date(s) 2007
Language English

The Weathered Underground is a 2007 interactive film starring Michael Ciraco and Brea Grant, where the viewer, using his DVD remote control or mouse (online) to control what Eric (Ciriaco) does next while stumbling through a strange land of sex, drugs, rock n' roll and ultimately, either redemption or demise, depending on what the viewer chooses. It was written and directed by David N. Donihue, the critically acclaimed writer of Parzania who also played two roles, as both strung out meth dealer and a transsexual. The film noted as the first in a series of interactive pictures from choose interactive, who has announced production on a sequel, where the viewer will make choices and walk in the shoes of Eric's Ex-girlfriend, Liz (Grant). The sequel has been shot with post-production in progress of the time this article was written.


[edit] Taglines

  • It's time to screw up someone elses life.
  • His name is Eric. He's 21 Years Old. He's beautiful. He's ugly. He's brilliant. He's a prick, and you are about to, become him...
  • A film where YOU choose what the central character does next.

[edit] What Is An Interactive Film?

An interactive film allows the audience or viewer to interactive with story. In the case of Writer/Director David N. Donihue's The Weathered Underground, the film works somewhat like the Choose Your Own Adventure books. The viewer here, makes decisions on what the central character will do next.

[edit] Length and Number Of Choices

The Weathered Underground features over thirty different endings and hundreds of choices in the middle. Generally, the viewer makes a choice every ninety seconds. The film can be played for four and half hours, over and over, without getting the same plot. To follow one plot line from beginning to end takes between 8 - 20 minutes.

[edit] Plot

21 Year old Eric is going through a skull crunching break up as he battles being stuck in a humiliating job and surrounded by friends who are far less bright than he. As Eric works to deal with demons left inside of him after being shattered by both young love and strange upbring, he must choose what he will do next in life.

The Interactive Film begins with Eric (the character whom the audience makes choices for) speaking with a friend on the phone, who tempts him to ditch work in favor of an evening of psychedelic drugs at an after-hours club. Here, within the first ninety seconds, the viewer uses his/her remote control (much like selecting a chapter on a DVD menu) to decide if Eric should go to work or meet his friends at the local bar, which is rumored to be a "tweeker hang", (a place where those addicted to Chrystel Meth-amphetamine hang out and do business.

[edit] Beyond first glance

While the viewer may be led to believe that this is the first step into a delirious, moral-less and spiritually corrupt ride, it is ultimately the viewer that determines what type of ride that character will go on. If the viewer chooses decisions that are illogical, selfish, or utterly insane, than the film becomes all of the above. If the viewer chooses selfishly, rationally and with empathy, ultimately, that is the direction the picture will head.

[edit] Possible Plot Outcomes Depending On Viewers Choices

Some of the plot-lines that viewer can steer Eric into include: A relationship with a beautiful yet schizophrenic meth head, a confrontation with his ex-girlfriend who remains involved in his life just enough to destroy his future relationships, a chance to rescue a stranger from a domestic violence situation, an evening of PCP laced shrooms and psychotic hallucinations and many various plot-lines involving love, sex, religion, work place politics and self-destructive behavior.

[edit] Psychological Structure Of Plot, Genre and Characters

There is a three part structure behind the plot design for The Weathered Underground. The plot was first created as a chart. Donihue developed the first "decision tree" to chart and map out all of the scenes that lead the thirty different endings. A three part psychology was used in how the plot and characters would unfold.

[edit] Hidden Aspects Of Psychology Within The Picture

At first glance, The Weathered Underground is a collection of irreverent pulp stories from the darker corners of young life in the big city. At a closer inspection, the interactive picture is a complex web that slowly, as all options plays through, shows a psychology behind it's characters, as the decisions made change the sides of Eric's personality and the world's reaction to him. Through choosing the different options, the viewer is shown Eric's (often for comic effect) justifications behind the decision that the viewer has just made. Simple choices not only effect the central character's fate, but also his personality and belief system.

[edit] Moral Code Behind The Plot Structure

References to both classical and pop psychology can be found between the lines in both the plot and decision making process. Strangely, the film initially hides it's depth, with the use of a cartoonish style, music video editing and a loud, chaotic soundtrack.

Beyond its "for gags" psychology and exploitation of sex and drugs, TWU follows a very specific moral code. If the viewer chooses selfishly, horrible realities await Eric. If the viewer chooses unselfishly, he/she is put in a position of responsibility, or ultimately, a place where he/she will receive the love of another. In test screenings at SxSW festival, many viewers commented on how "It shows you that every little decision you make could change your life forever."

[edit] Genre Structure

The third, and most complex aspect of The Weathered Underground's plot structure, is in relation to the genre that the film plays in. Decisions that are erratic, lead to a style of film that is campy, irreverent and filled with outlandish visuals and ridiculous plot moves. Decisions that are logical or empathetic, lead to a more serious genre, where the film making style is more subtle, sophisticated, and devoid of the campy attitude that exists in the other plot-lines. In essence, depending on what the viewer chooses, not only does the fate of the character change, but the entire style and genre of the film change as well.

The various genres visited have been compared[who?] to the works of Kevin Smith, Hal Hartley, Robert Rodriguez, Woody Allen, Terry Gilliam, Tony Scott, David Fincher, Chuck Palahnuik and Danny Boyle.

[edit] External links