The Way of a Man with a Maid

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The Way of a Man with a Maid is an anonymous work of Victorian erotica. The story concerns the forcible seduction of a girl called Alice by a Victorian gentleman called Jack, who has converted one of the rooms in his house into a kind of erotic torture chamber:called 'the Snuggery'. Although the book is quite perverse, containing scenes of bondage, whipping and lesbianism, plus odd things done with feathers, it has a strangely quirky sense of humour.

It was adapted as a film entitled What the Swedish Butler Saw (1975) starring Sue Longhurst as Alice and Ole Soltoft as Jack.

[edit] References

Simon Sheridan Keeping the British End Up: Four Decades of Saucy Cinema (3rd edition) (Reynolds and Hearn books 2007)