The Unseen University Cut Out Book

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The Unseen University Cut-Out Book is a cut-out book that allows a reader to construct a replica of Unseen University from Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series. It was published on 1 October 2006, and includes a foreword by Terry Pratchett.

Cover of The Unseen University Cut Out Book
Cover of The Unseen University Cut Out Book


[edit] The Model

The book consists of sheets of card printed with the various faces of the models that the reader can cut out and glue. It consists of seven card buildings:

  • The Tower Of Art
  • The Great Hall
  • The Observatory
  • The High Energy Magic Building
  • The Clock Tower
  • Modo's Garden Shed
  • The Library

The models were illustrated by illustrator and model maker Alan Batley, from the original Unseen University model by Discworld artist[1] Bernard Pearson.

[edit] References

[edit] See also

Unseen University

[edit] External links