The Town Tower (Trnava)

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The town tower in Trnava is one of the most important renascence historic monument of the town. It has square ground plan in the shape of solid prism with eight floors and in total it’s 57m high. The scenic gallery is in height of 29m. The corners and the highest floor are decorated with diamond sgraffito. On the south-west side is sundial. In the alcove above the entrance is circular relief with symbolism of Christ.

History of construction begins on 28th of July 1574, when bourgeois and bricklayer-master Jakub pledged that tower which he starts to build he also finishes. In the 1666 and 1683 there was conflagration and the tower remained without the roof.

On the top of tower was originally moon with star. This symbol was replaced by statue of Immaculata sometimes between 17391742, but it was took down by windstorm and therefore it was replaced by life-size gilt copper statue.

In 1729 on fifth floor was located clockwork from Franz Langer’s workshop which also strikes quarters.The bobs weighs 300 kilograms and they are hanging at 30m long rope.

In 1818 was created new entrance into the tower above which was sgraffito of Christ with lettering: Nisi dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat, gui custodit eam (If the Lord won’t protect the city, uselessly will be awake the on who protects it).

The tower was reconstructed in 19381941 by company called Pittel and Brausvetter. At this reconstruction were sgraffiti overlayed by plaster and the statue was re-gilded in workshop of Peter Michaletz.

Another recostruction was in 1997 - 1998.
