The Third Life of Grange Copeland

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The Third Life of Grange Copeland is the debut novel of American author Alice Walker. Published in 1970, it is set in rural Georgia. It tells the story of Grange, his wife and their son Brownfield and daughter Star.

[edit] Plot summary

As a poor sharecropper, Grange is virtually a slave; the more he works, the more money he ends up owing to the man who owns the fields he works and the house he lives in. Eventually life becomes too much for him and he runs away from his debts to start a new life up North, leaving his family behind. His son Brownfield grows up and marries Meme (French for the same) with no better future than Grange had.

[edit] Analysis

Like many first novels this is a disguised autobiography as Brownfield and Meme's circumstances resemble Alice Walker's parents and their daughter herself.[citation needed]

[edit] References