The Steel Press

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Type Fortnightly newspaper
Format Tabloid

Owner University of Sheffield
Editor Kathryn Rogerson
Founded 1950 (as DARTS)
Price Free
Headquarters University of Sheffield Union of Students, Western Bank, S10 2TG.


Sheffield Steel Press is the University of Sheffield's student newspaper. Published fortnightly during term-time by a team of over 400 student volunteers, the paper has a circulation of 5,000 and is distributed free across campus and the surrounding student area to a projected readership of 15,000-20,000.


[edit] History

The University of Sheffield has a history of student journalism that predates its inception as a University when it received its charter in 1905.

Following World War II, a new newspaper was set up at the University called Darts, The name stemmed from a sister arts publication, Arrows, which had been around since the 1930s, with the new venture was seen as a smaller entity than its sibling - A dart being a sort of miniature arrow. (The paper was ultimately to outlive its brethren, which closed in the late 1980s.)

In the '97/98 academic year a new editorial team took charge of Darts and decided to change the name.

On November 28th 1997 the newly rebranded 'Steel Press' was revealed to the masses. In style the paper was not particularly different from what had come before, yet over the following nine years has undergone many changes. Ranging in appearance from something not dissimilar to the Daily Express to its current appearance as the Daily Mirror of student publications, the Sheffield Steel Press as it is now known (Sheffield Steel as it appears on the cover) has continued to provide a proving ground for young journalists hoping for a career in the media or simply looking for an interesting diversion during their time at the University of Sheffield.

[edit] Organisation

The organisations Editor is an unpaid position. The position is currently held by Ciaran Jones.

For the 2006-2007 academic year the editorial team consists of 27 members. These students organise the various sections of the paper: News, Comment, Features, Sport, Lifestyle and Stainless - the entertainment section covering Music, Film, Arts and Games. Skills required of an editor range from management of teams of volunteers, to page layout and graphic design using programs such as Quark XPress and Adobe Photoshop.

Since 2002 the University of Sheffield Union of Students have employed a non-student as a 'Managing Editor', a support role which holds no editorial power and is designed to aid the day to day running of the organisation. In 2006 this role was expanded, retitled to 'Media Development Co-Ordinator', and tasked with raising both Sure Radio and Sheffield Base, the Union's other two student-led media outlets, to the national standard shown by the Steel Press.

[edit] Awards

  • 2007
    • Guardian Student Media Awards
      • Nominated - Student Newspaper of the Year
      • Nominated - Student Website of the Year (
      • Nominated - Student Sports Writer of the Year (Dom Howson)
      • Nominated - Student Feature Writer of the Year (Emeka Ene)
    • Press Gazette Student Journalism Awards
      • Winner - Student Journalist of the Year (Felicity Hay)
      • Winner - Student Reporter of the Year (Felicity Hay)
  • 2002
    • Guardian Student Media Awards
      • Winner - Student Journalist of the Year (Alice Tarleton)
      • Winner - Student Feature Writer of the Year (Matt Withers)
      • Winner - Student Travel Writer of the Year (Alice Tarleton)
      • Runner Up - Student Sports Writer of the Year (Rob Preece)
  • 2001
    • Guardian Student Media Awards
      • Winner - Student Journalist of the Year (Faisal Al Yafai)
      • Winner - Student Reporter of the Year (Alice Tarleton)
      • Winner - Student Diversity Writer of the Year (Faisal Al Yafai)
      • Winner - Student Travel Writer of the Year (David Whitley)
      • Runner Up - Student Sports Writer of the Year (John Brenan)
  • 2000
    • Guardian Student Media Awards
      • Winner - Student Newspaper of the Year
      • Winner - Student Reporter of the Year (Guy Adams)
      • Winner - Student Diversity Writer of the Year (Faisal Al Yafai)

[edit] Recent editors

  • 2006/07: Michael Brown
  • 2005/06: Felicity Hay
  • 2004/05: Sonya Bell
  • 2003/04: Laura Compton/Stuart Robarts/Dave Murphy/James Barrett/John Gripton

(Until 2003 the newspaper had two or three editors, elected on a half-year basis, taking it in turns to act as 'Editor-in-Chief')

  • 2002: Jon Enoch/Jenna Sloan
  • 2001 (Second half): John Brenan/Victoria Davies/Alice Tarleton
  • 2001 (First half): John Brenan/Alice Tarleton/Jan Webster
  • 2000 (Second half): Nadia Brooks/Nick Sharpe/Jan Webster
  • 2000 (First half): Paul French/Nick Sharpe/Matt Withers
  • 1999 (Second half): Guy Adams/Sam Thomson/David Whitley
  • 1999 (First half): Guy Adams/Adam Bennett/Emma Sneddon
  • 1998 (Second half): Dylan Jane/David Stringer/Adele Taylor

[edit] External links