The Sopranos timeline

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A timeline of events in The Sopranos, a television series on HBO.


[edit] Pre-Season One

[edit] Season 1 (1999)

Season 1 premiered on January 10, 1999 with the Pilot episode

  • 1999
    • New Jersey mob capo, Tony Soprano begins seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi, after suffering a series of panic attacks. He later falls in love with her, but Melfi tells him that his feelings are a byproduct of his therapy. He assigns a crooked cop, Detective Vin Makazian, to tail Melfi.
    • When Tony finds out that his Uncle Junior plans to kill "Little Pussy" Malanga in a restaurant belonging to Artie Bucco, a childhood friend of Tony's, he sends Silvio Dante to torch the restaurant for the insurance money (which would go to Artie). Tony believes this is preferable to the bad publicity (and subsequent loss of business) that would be generated by a murder on the premises.
    • Christopher Moltisanti kills Emil Kolar to settle the business dispute between the Family and Kolar Sanitation over the Triboro Towers contract. He hopes to be made for this and is disappointed when his deed is ignored.
    • Tony starts an HMO scam with advisor Hesh Rabkin after a degenerate gambler involved with the HMO cannot pay what he owes to Hesh.
    • Tony moves his mother Livia to a nursing home after she accidentally sets her kitchen on fire, hits her best friend in the driveway with her car, and quickly drives away a newly hired Trinidadian nurse.
    • Christopher and his friend Brendan Filone begin hijacking trucks owned by Comley Trucking, a company of which Junior Soprano has a percentage.
    • Uncle Junior warns Tony about the truck hijacking shenanigans. A sitdown is held and acting boss Giacomo "Jackie" Aprile, Sr. rules that Filone and Moltisanti will pay retribution to Junior. Tony relays the message to Chris and Brendan and warns them, though Brendan pulls off another hijacking nonetheless, resulting in the accidental death of the truck driver.
    • Meadow and her friend Hunter Scangarelo try to score Crystal Meth from Chris and Brendan in order to stay up late and study for their exams.
    • Uncle Junior, who is enraged by Christopher and Brendan's loose cannon behavior, gets leadership advice from Livia and decides to stage a mock execution for Christopher and a real one for Brendan. Brendan Filone is shot in his bathtub, clean through the eye by Mikey Palmice as Junior watches.
    • Chris and his girlfriend Adriana La Cerva go to Brendan's home and find him dead in his bathtub. Chris is furious, and he wants to confront Mikey for the death of Brendan.
    • Jackie Aprile, Sr. the acting mob boss for the DiMeo Crime family succumbs to cancer. Tony then nominates Junior as the official new boss, whilst conspiring to run the family from behind the scenes.
    • Anthony Jr. and Meadow find out that their father is involved with organized crime.
    • Tony accompanies Meadow on a trip to a series of colleges in Maine (Bates, Bowdoin, and Colby). When they arrive, Tony sees an old Soprano associate who turned out to be an informant and went into the Witness Protection Program. Tony murders him the following day.
    • Junior becomes power hungry due to his new title, and begins taxing all the capos and Tony's old friend, Hesh. Tony conspires with Johnny Sack to relieve Hesh of the debt while making Junior feel like he's in control.
    • A.J. is suspended from school for stealing wine from the church and showing up to gym class drunk. The school reveals that A.J. almost meets the criteria for ADD, although Tony doesn't buy that diagnosis.
    • Livia finds out from A.J. that Tony is going to a therapist, and immediately assumes that Tony is complaining about her. She begins to manipulate Uncle Junior.
    • The Family finds out that the F.B.I. is going to be conducting raids. Pussy is arrested for running away from the police after guns are found inside Jimmy's social club.
    • Tony learns that one of his associates is an FBI informant. Tony is told by Detective Makazian that Pussy is the rat, but Tony (half correctly) deduces that Jimmy Altieri is the informant. Altieri, like Pussy, a "fat fuck with black hair" is soon murdered by Silvio Dante and is found dead in an alley with a rat in his mouth.
    • Detective Makazian commits suicide after being found in a brothel and his mafia connections are revealed.
    • Because of concerns about what Tony will tell his psychiatrist, Livia and Uncle Junior arrange for Tony's murder. The assassination attempt ultimately fails.
    • The F.B.I. informs Tony that his mother and uncle were behind the hit against him, and offer to put his family into witness protection. Tony refuses and vows revenge.
    • Chucky Signore and Mikey Palmice are shot to death to prevent Junior from launching another assassination attempt on Tony.
    • Uncle Junior is arrested, sparing him from an assault from Tony, who goes to his mother's retirement home to suffocate her with a pillow, only to find out that she has suffered from a stroke.
    • Tony becomes the permanent boss of the Soprano mob family and seizes Junior's territory and income.

[edit] Season 2 (2000)

Season 2 premiered on January 16, 2000 with the episode Guy Walks Into a Psychiatrist's Office

  • 2000
    • Phillip "Philly Spoons" Parisi is placed as Acting Capo of Juniors crew. Tony orders Gigi Cestone, a long time soldier in Juniors crew to take out Spoons. Gigi, returning from exile in Boston, is picked up at the airport by Spoons. He later puts a bullet in his head. Gigi defects to Tony Sopranos crew and is quickly made part of Tonys inner circle.
    • Tony refuses to speak to his mother Livia after she planned to kill him the year before.
    • Big Pussy Bonpensiero returns to New Jersey after claiming to have been rehabilitating in Puerto Rico. In reality, Pussy has been reporting secretly to FBI agent Skip Lipari.
    • Jackie Aprile's brother and Adriana La Cerva's uncle, Richie Aprile is released from prison on parole.
    • Beansie Gaeta, a well known owner of a local pizzeria is attacked and paralyzed by Aprile when he refuses to pay Richie protection money.
    • Tony's sister, Parvati Wasatch (otherwise known as Janice Soprano) arrives in New Jersey from Seattle.
    • Tony reconciles with Uncle Junior.
    • Janice reunites with Richie after they meet at a yoga class.
    • Meadow throws a party at Livia's empty house which gets out of hand.
    • In order to reconnect family ties between the mob in Naples: Tony, Christopher and Paulie travel to Naples to meet with the boss. However the acting boss turns out to be a woman named Ana Lisa to whom Tony is immediately attracted.
    • Furio Giunta, a capable Neapolitan soldier is sent to New Jersey to work for the Soprano family.
    • Now that Tony is Boss, he promotes Silvio as his consigliere and Paulie to captain of Tony's old crew.
    • Tony and Silvio reinitiate the "high-rollers" poker night (called the Executive Game) which had previously been run by Tony's father.
    • David Scatino, a degenerate gambler looks to Tony for help. However, when he makes risky investments and foolishly enters Tony and Silvio's Executive Game, he ends up losing all the money that Tony had loaned him. Tony takes his son's car and a percentage of his business.
    • Janice decides to renovate Livia's home and invites her back home after she has recuperated.
    • Christopher proposes to Adriana La Cerva, his long time girlfriend.
    • Christopher is shot badly near the Skyways Diner in Kearny by Matthew Bevilaqua and Sean Gismonte. Bevilaqua escapes and Gismonte is killed by Christopher in the shootout.
    • Christopher is briefly pronounced clinically dead and makes a surprising revelation to Paulie and Tony, saying that he went to hell and saw Brendan Filone and Mikey Palmice.
    • Matthew Bevilaqua is captured, beaten, and murdered by Tony and Pussy. A witness goes to the police, but retracts his statement when he learns that the murderer may have been Tony Soprano.
    • Carmela tries to seduce David Scatino's brother-in-law who leaves after finding out who Carmela's husband is.
    • A dispute over selling drugs on the late Jackie Aprile Sr.'s garbage routes causes hostility between Richie and Tony resulting in Richie conspiring with Uncle Junior to potentially take out Tony. However Junior realizes he would be better off financially with Tony alive and informs Tony about Richie's plot.
    • Tony ends his relationship with his longtime girlfriend, Irina.
    • Carmela leverages her husband's menacing reputation to obtain college recommendations for Meadow in hopes that she will attend Georgetown University.
    • Richie Aprile is murdered by Janice after he punches her in the mouth. Christopher and Furio dispose of the body at Satriale's, using the meat cutter and knives to dismember the body.
    • Pussy becomes further involved with the FBI but gets into even deeper water when he runs over a pedestrian and hides his involvement with the Bevilaqua murder.
    • Tony gets food poisoning the day prior to Meadow's graduation. During the illness, he dreams that Pussy is working for the FBI.
    • Tony is arrested after the feds discover he had given Livia stolen airline tickets.
    • Pussy is murdered while on a boat with Tony, Paulie and Silvio where he confesses to being an informant.
    • Meadow graduates from high school and decides to attend Columbia University.
    • After Meadow's graduation ceremony, Tony informs Christopher that he's been chosen to be made.

[edit] Season 3 (2001)

Season 3 premiered on March 4, 2001 with two episodes, Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood and Proshai, Livushka

  • 2000
    • After hearing of Big Pussy Bonpensiero's murder, the FBI plants a bug in a lamp in the Soprano basement where several of Tony's private meetings occur.
    • Tony re-establishes contact with his mother in hopes of convincing her not to testify against him. His fears are alleviated when Livia Soprano dies in her sleep of a massive stroke.
    • On the eve of their birthday, Patsy Parisi learns that Tony ordered the hit on his twin brother and, unbeknownst to Tony, goes to his house with the intent to exact revenge. Due to his inebriated state at the time, he only urinates in Tony's swimming pool. Tony learns of Patsy's knowledge and when Patsy's loyalty is questioned, Patsy tells Tony that he has "put the grief behind him."
    • Janice returns to New Jersey and plans her mother's funeral (which Livia did not want to happen). The funeral and subsequent afterparty become uncomfortable as no one has anything nice to say about Livia.
    • Meadow begins dating Noah Tannenbaum, a Jewish-African-American to whom Tony immediately takes a (racially motivated) dislike.
    • In the wake of Richie Aprile's disappearance, Ralph Cifaretto unofficially takes over the Aprile crew even though Tony is reluctant to make him a captain due to his bad attitude.
    • After he takes Jackie Jr. on a collection against Tony's wishes, Ralph is passed over and Gigi Cestone is made captain of the Aprile crew.
    • Janice moves back into Livia's house, and immediately causes trouble by stealing the prosthetic leg of Svetlana, Irina's cousin and Livia's caretaker. Svetlana gets two Russian friends to beat up Janice and retrieve the leg.
    • Christopher is officially made along with Eugene Pontecorvo in a special ceremony involving Tony and other family associates. He finds that life as a made man isn't easy as he thought it would be, and is haunted by a black bird that he saw during his initiation ceremony.
    • A rivalry between Paulie and Christopher begins due to Paulie breaking Chris's balls as a way of initiation into the family.
    • During football practice, Anthony Jr. suffers a panic attack.
    • Jackie Aprile, Jr. becomes a love interest of Meadow, as well as a thorn in the side of Tony, who unsuccessfully tries to keep him out of the family business.
    • Dr. Melfi is brutally raped while walking to her car one evening. Her rapist is let free on a technicality. Melfi considers telling Tony about it, but does not because of her ethics.
    • Bobby Baccalieri's cancer-stricken father comes out of retirement to carry out a hit on Mustang Sally for Gigi Cestone. He dies in a car accident after leaving the scene.
    • Tony befriends a Bada Bing stripper, Tracee, who becomes pregnant by Ralph Cifaretto. After insulting Ralph in front of other crew members, Tracee is brutally beaten and murdered by Ralph outside of the Bada Bing. Tony is furious and attacks Ralph, a made guy. He is restrained by his own crew.
    • Noah dumps Meadow, who then begins seeing Jackie Aprile, Jr. soon afterwards.
    • Tony retracts Ralph's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner due to the bad blood that's developed between the two. Due to Johnny Sack's manipulations Ralph eventually apologizes to Tony, and becomes the New Jersey pointman on the Esplanade project.
    • Gigi Cestone dies of a heart attack while having a bowel movement and Tony reluctantly makes Ralph captain of the Aprile crew.
    • Tony meets Gloria Trillo, a Mercedes-Benz salesperson at an appointment with Dr. Melfi. The two start an affair.
    • Carmela's birthday is celebrated. On the same day, A.J. vandalizes the school and eventually gets caught. Tony and Carmela think the school does not punish A.J. enough.
    • The Soprano family celebrates Christmas at a dinner held by Janice. Tony makes sure that everyone gets exactly what they want, which includes: Janice's attacker being beaten up and publicly humiliated, each of the kids' and Carmela's gifts. Tony then witnesses Jackie, Jr. (who is still seeing Meadow) receiving a lap dance from another woman at a strip-club. Tony beats him up in the bathroom.
  • 2001
    • After Silvio catches the flu, Tony asks Paulie and Christopher to collect some money from a Russian mob associate, Valery. The meeting turns sour when Paulie starts a fight with the comrade. They beat Valery and plan to kill him and dispose of his body in the Pine Barrens woods. When they arrive, Valery makes quick work of Paulie and Chris by slamming a shovel into Chris' face and busting Paulie in the gut with his knee. Since Chris and Paulie have guns, Valery takes the opportunity to escape, but Paulie is able to shoot Valery in the head before he disappears from view. Paulie and Christopher get lost in the woods and spend the night in a van they find. Eventually, Tony and Bobby Bacala come to find them. No mention is made of whether Valery was in fact killed, but this seems to be the case, as he has not surfaced or been mentioned in the past three seasons of the show.
    • Tony breaks it off with Gloria after she engineered a meeting with Carmela.
    • Jackie, Jr. and his friends, Dino Zerilli and Carlo Renzi, rob Eugene Pontecorvo's poker game in the hopes of impressing Tony and the rest of his crew. However the robbery goes totally wrong and a number of people are shot. Sunshine and Carlo get killed in the shootout, Furio takes one in the leg. Chris Moltisanti and Albert "Ally Boy" Barase catch up with Dino outside and execute him. Jackie Aprile Jr. manages to escape and goes into hiding in the Boonton projects. Because Eugene is a member of Ralphie's crew, the game is officially Ralphie's.
    • An extremely agitated Christopher pressures Tony to take action in the Jackie Junior situation. Tony meets Ralph who presents him a briefcase filled with cash revenue from the family's involvement in the Newark Esplanade project. Tony forces the newly minted capo to decide Jackie Junior's fate. Ralph fends Tony off by claiming that he will give Jackie Junior a pass despite the fact he had shot and wounded a made man (Furio) during the robbery.
    • Jackie Junior, scared and on the run, tries to reach out to Tony by phone, but is refused.
    • Paulie and Silvio meet with Ralph at Dunkin Donuts to try to get him to flush Jackie Junior out of hiding. During the meeting Vito Spatafore, parked in an SUV nearby, calls Ralph on his cell phone. Ralph pretends that the caller is Tony and the Jackie Junior problem is handled. In reality, Ralph assigns Vito to do the hit in order to head off planned retaliation by the Soprano crew.
    • Paulie moves his mother into Green Grove.
    • Paulie requests a sitdown with Tony and Ralph Cifaretto over a dispute concerning the proceeds of a burglary that was undertaken in Morristown. Paulie felt that he is entitled to a decent cut since his nephew, Little Paulie Germani, supplied the alarm codes to Ralph's crew but ultimately was excluded from the burglary team. During the sitdown, moderated by Tony and Silvio, it is ruled that Paulie will get a smaller cut of the burglary proceeds than what the Soprano crew capo had wanted. Paulie agrees but is left embittered by the meeting since he needed the additional cash to help pay for his mother's stay at the Green Grove retirement home.
    • The F.B.I. assigns an undercover officer to pose as Adriana's friend.
    • A.J. is kicked out of Verbum Dei High School for stealing test papers. Tony and Carmela consider sending him to military school, only to learn that A.J. also suffers from panic attacks and therefore cannot attend.
    • Jackie, Jr. is shot in the back of the head by Vito Spatafore after hiding out in the Boonton projects.
    • Jackie Jr's (sparsely attended) wake and funeral burial takes place on Super Bowl Sunday. Rosalie Aprile is hysterical while everyone else is in shock. Silvio and Christopher are arrested at the cemetery during a routine gambling sweep undertaken by the Essex County DA's office. Paulie escapes on foot and both Junior and Bobby Baccala flee in Bobby's car. Silvio and Christopher are released in time to rejoin Tony, Junior and everyone else at Vesuvio's for a memorial dinner.
    • Paulie, stewing over the recent sitdown with Tony, bumps into Johnny Sack who is outside the restaurant having a cigarette. Paulie airs his grievances to Johnny over the recent ruling by Tony in favor of Ralph.
    • A recovering and much heatlhier Uncle Junior has a brief heart-to-heart with Tony over dinner at Vesuvio and announces to everyone that "I beat cancer and now I will beat the can".

[edit] Season 4 (2002)

Season 4 premiered on September 15, 2002 with the episode For All Debts Public and Private

  • The following is how Sopranos creator David Chase summarized the major themes of the first four seasons. "Season one was about Tony and his mother. And then season two, to a certain extent, was Tony and his sister. Season three was deliberately about Tony and Carmela as parents, that was sort of the spine of it. This year [Season four] focuses on Tony and Carmela as a couple, on their marriage."[1]
  • 2001
    • Christopher murders the policeman who murdered his father when he was a child.
    • Tony buys a property from Uncle Junior on Frelinghuysen Avenue in Newark knowing it to be worth far more than he is paying.
    • The New York and New Jersey mobs invest in a riverfront property called the Esplanade to be shared between the two families.
    • Silvio and Ralph plot to interrupt a Columbus Day parade protest by local Native Americans.
    • Ralph invests in a race horse nicknamed Pie-O-My. Tony gives tips on racing that turn Pie-O-My into a winner and starts to become involved in her care.
    • Paulie is in prison in Youngstown after being caught in possession of a firearm used in a murder in the town eight years earlier. He has an impromptu meeting with Johnny Sack, who strokes Paulie's ego by telling him how highly Carmine thinks of him. Paulie tells Johnny about a fat joke that Ralph told about John's wife, Ginny.
    • Johnny asks Carmine to sanction a hit on Ralph. Carmine refuses, and goes to Tony with the suggestion that Johnny should be killed instead for his insubordination. John comes to his senses when he realizes Ginny has been lying about keeping herself healthy, which enrages him at first, but becomes sympathetic for her.
    • Uncle Junior faces a RICO trial.
    • Adriana learns that her friend Danielle is an undercover FBI agent named Deborah Ciccerone who wants information about Christopher's involvement in the mob.
    • Tony learns that Gloria Trillo committed suicide shortly after their breakup.
    • Artie tries to commit suicide after entering a flawed business deal with Tony. Tony wipes the debts, but threatens Artie and tells him not to tell anyone what happened.
  • 2002
    • Tony enters a housing and urban development (HUD) project with Ralph, Assemblyman Zellman, and Maurice Tiffen, buying property in rundown neighborhoods in Newark. The group sends young black men to clear out a crack house in the neighborhood.
    • Zellman tells Tony he has started a relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Irina. Tony acts as if he is fine with it, but in reality he is not and whips Zellman with a belt.
    • Paulie is released from prison and continues meeting with Johnny Sack, telling him about the housing project.
    • Tony meets Ralph's girlfriend, Valentina and begins seeing her secretly.
    • Ralph's son is hospitalized following a serious injury.
    • Pie-O-My dies in a stable fire which Tony believes Ralph is responsible for. Ralph is strangled and killed by Tony after refusing to confess, yet defending the act of setting a fire to collect the insurance money on the horse, suggesting that he may have been responsible. His body is dismembered and disposed of by Tony and Christopher who discovers that Ralph wears a rug (a wig).
    • Tony has a brief fling with Svetlana after the two share drinks at Uncle Junior's house.
    • Christopher is mugged by drug dealers and subsequently beats Adriana after finding rehab brochures in the mail (courtesy of the FBI). He is confronted in an intervention that ends in a fight when the crew uses the session to insult him. After a talk with Tony at the hospital, Chris agrees to enter rehab.
    • Adriana begins reporting to Agent Sanseverino after she is reassigned from Agent Ciccerone for her protection.
    • Tony quits therapy with Dr. Melfi, saying that the sessions aren't going anywhere and that he stayed longer than anyone thought he would.
    • Furio leaves America after developing a mutual attraction with Carmela.
    • Paulie Walnuts runs into Carmine Lupertazzi at a wedding. Paulie is caught off guard and down right shocked when Carmine has no idea who he is. Paulie realizes John had been using him to get information about the Jersey crew.
    • Christopher is released from rehab. He and Tony decide that he should skip the part of the 12 step program where he has to apologize to anyone he has wronged.
    • The Lupertazzi and Soprano families come close to a war after Tony refuses to share his HUD project with Carmine. Johnny Sack suggests that he would give Tony a better deal, and that Carmine should be bumped off. Tony agrees. Tony gives the job to Christopher, who in turn hires to black drug dealers to take out Carmine. Tony makes his point clear that it can never get out who took out Carmine. As the wheels for the hit are in motion, Carmine has a change of heart and arranges a sitdown in the park with Tony and Chris where the two families reach a deal. Johnny tells Tony that the hit on Carmine should still go forward. Tony, suspicious of John's eagerness to go forward with the hit even though the problems with New York have been solved, pulls out. Johnny is angered, saying that he won't forget this, but the two decide to remain friends. Christopher, realizing word can never get out that a hit was placed on Carmine, has Benny Fazio and another mob associate take out the two drug dealers. Chris watchs in his rearview mirror as the murders take place, then speeds away.
    • Tony puts down a deposit on a beach house for the family, named Whitecaps. The seller of the property shooes away a buyer already in place because Tony can pay for the house quickly, and in cash.
    • The case against Junior is declared a hung jury after a juror is threatened and refuses to cooperate with the other jurors.
    • Carmela learns of Tony's infidelity with Svetlana after Irina calls the house, causing her to throw out his belongings and demand a divorce. Tony refuses to leave and stays in the guest house. Carmela tells Tony about her feelings for Furio, and the two nearly come to blows. Tony calls Dr. Melfi, presumably to ask to come back to therapy, but hangs up without saying anything.
    • Tony tries to back out of the Whitecaps deal, but the dealer refuses to bargain with him. Tony's reacts to this by having Little Paulie Germani and Benny Fazio anchor the Stugots just outside the seller's beach house and blasting Dean Martin music.
    • Tony decides that it would be best for the family if he moved out.

[edit] Season 5 (2004)

Season 5 premiered on March 7, 2004 with the episode Two Tonys

  • 2004
    • According to creator David Chase, Season 5's theme is "the limitations of family and friendship in a materialist world."[2]
    • A flood of parolees begin to reinitiate contact within the Soprano and Lupertazzi families. They include Tony Blundetto, Tony's cousin who was jailed 15 years after a failed hijacking. Phil Leotardo, a longtime Lupertazzi capo. Angelo Garepe, Carmine's former consigliere and Feech La Manna, a Soprano capo prior to his arrest.
    • Tony and Carmela have been separated for some time and Tony attempts to woo Dr. Melfi. She rebuffs his advances but Tony has difficulty taking no for an answer.
    • Paulie and Chris finally reconcile after long-standing tensions, but only after an innocent waiter is murdered in what became a three-way dispute over payment of a restaurant bill.
    • Tony B. tells Tony that he wants to remain a civilian but thanks him for his job offer.
    • New York family boss Carmine Lupertazzi dies after suffering a stroke. A power struggle for succession ensues involving Johnny Sack and the hier presumptive of the family Little Carmine Lupertazzi.
    • Lorraine Calluzzo, a loan shark, and her boyfriend bodyguard, Jason Evanina are visited by Phil Leotardo, Billy L. and Joey Peeps. They stage a mock execution on Lorraine and warn her that the money goes up to John. They obviously don't get the point and are later murdered by Billy Leotardo and Joe Peeps because they remained loyal to Little Carmine.
    • Tony returns to Dr. Melfi for therapy.
    • Jack Massarone starts to work for the F.B.I. Patsy's corrupt police officer discovers the F.B.I is shadowing Massarone. Tony has Jack Massarone whacked.
    • Feech is set up by Tony due to his constant insubordination; including grand theft auto during a wedding of the daughter of a doctor connected to Tony. Feech gets caught with stolen TVs in his garage and is sent back to prison for violating his parole.
    • Adriana and Tony are involved in a serious car accident causing much chatter between the family that the two are having an affair. Christopher, enraged at the rumors, beats Adriana and shoots up Tony's red Suburban. Tony and the crew take Chris to a remote location and nearly shoots Christopher for his actions. Tony Blundetto talks him out of it and proves that there is no truth to the rumors by taking Chris to the doctor who treated Ade that night. The doctor stated that Adriana was sitting up at the time of impact, and couldn't have possibly been given oral sex to Tony.
    • Carmela begins an affair with A.J.'s guidance counselor, Mr. Wegler. The relationship ends badly when Wegler accuses Carmela of using sex to get her son better grades.
    • In therapy, Tony reveals that he feels tremendous guilt for Tony B's imprisonment for hijacking, as Tony was supposed to have joined him but suffered a panic attack. He went on to claim that he was mugged by some black men.
    • Tony B. finds a bag full of money that reminds him about the mafia lifestyle. He returns to the mob after his frustration with his boss ends in a fist-fight.
    • Tony meets his father's mistress, Fran Felstein, and learns that she was not given her equal share of a racetrack owned by Hesh and Phil Leotardo at the time of his father's death. Spending time with Fran causes him to reminisce about how his father was with his mistress the night Livia lost their fourth child due to a miscarriage, and that he covered for his father by lying to his mother. Dr. Melfi encourages him to forgive Livia.
    • After dodging payment owed to Felstein, Phil Leotardo is forced into a car accident by Tony. Tony arranges for Phil's car to be fixed in Big Pussy's Auto Shop, now run by Angie Bonpenserio, who suffers Phil's unreasonable demands for repairs.
    • Despite being separated, Tony and Carmela throw a 75th birthday party for Carmela's father Hugh. The two reconnect after the party and make love, but Carmela decides to go through with divorce proceedings anyway.
    • Tony B. accepts an offer from his friend, Angelo Garape, and Little Carmine's supporter, Rusty Millio, to kill Joe Peeps in retaliation for Lorraine Calluzzo's death. He attacks Joe Peeps outside of a brothel in his car along with a prostitute, but Blundetto's foot is run over by the car when he pulls off the execution.
    • Johnny Sack suspects Tony B. performed the Joey Peeps hit after a witness identifies him. Tony confronts his cousin about it but covers for him, saying that the two were together the night of Joe Peeps' murder.
    • To further compensate for his feelings of guilt for Tony B's incarceration, Tony decides to give his cousin stewardship of a casino, as well as telling him he'll try to expedite his being made. This largesse is deeply resented by Christopher, who perceives he's being pushed aside.
    • Carmela informs Tony that she wants to start divorce proceedings and "aggressively equitable distribution of assets." However, she has difficulty finding an attorney willing to defend her. Tony had already met with most of the highly recommended ones, precluding them from representing her. When she does secure a lawyer, he's unable to find an accountant willing to investigate Tony's finances and quits the case, fearing retaliation from Tony.
    • Meadow's boyfriend Finn, while on a construction job arranged by Tony, accidentally stumbles upon Vito Spatafore performing oral sex on a male security guard. In a state of panic, Finn decides to get away and that causes him and Meadow to argue about their relationship. Finn offers to make peace by suggesting they get married. Meadow accepts and promptly informs Tony and Carmela of the news.
    • Tony reveals to Dr. Melfi that he was not attacked by black men the night Tony B. was caught in an armed robbery, that he actually suffered a panic attack that night after getting into a fight with his mother.
    • Tony B. and Christopher are sent to Uncle Pat's farm to dig up the remains of Emil Kolar after Pat decides to sell his farm, moving to Florida instead. Christopher is reminded of his bad childhood and how he was bullied by Tony B. and Tony when the two Tony's make fun of him at dinner.
    • Johnny Sack makes business hard for Tony at the docks, where Carlo Gervasi's crew is supposed to steal a load of scooters for a deal, but Johnny's crew gets there first. Johnny denies stealing the scooters, blaming increased port security for the deal falling through. Tony sees a news report that contradicts Johnny's claims.
    • Janice attends anger management classes after violently beating a soccer mom. Tony, annoyed with her brighter outlook on life, baits her into losing her cool by bringing up her estranged son, Harpo.
    • Angelo Garepe is ambushed and murdered by Billy and Phil Leotardo for the death of Joe Peeps.
    • Tony B. learns of Angelo's death and attempts to murder Phil but instead hurts Phil and kills his younger brother, Billy Leotardo.
    • Tony has a dream involving many of the deceased people who had an impact on his life (this includes: Mikey Palmice, Richie Aprile, Big Pussy Bonpensiero, Ralphie Cifaretto, Gigi Cestone, Vin Makazian, and various others). The dream persuades him to get back together with Carmela.
    • Carmela, realizing that she cannot get a good lawyer for divorce proceedings, decides to let Tony move back into the house if he puts up the money for her real estate project.
    • After Adriana covers up a murder at her club, the FBI orders her to wear a wire. Matush and Kamal had murdered Gilbert Nieves and Adriana was charged as being an accessory to murder. She then confesses everything to Christopher and tries to persuade him to turn informant and enter the Witness Protection Program. Christopher nearly kills her in his anger, but relents. Eventually, he tells Tony who has Silvio kill Adriana the following day.
    • Johnny is officially named the boss of New York after Little Carmine retreats back to Florida. Johnny demands that Tony give up Tony B. Tony refuses after Johnny insinuates that Tony B. will be tortured.
    • Phil Leotardo threatens Christopher and sends Benny to the hospital, driving the two families on the brink of mob war.
    • After much hesitation, and being confronted about his problems with authority by Silvio, Tony delivers a single barrel twelve-gauge shotgun cartridge to his cousin's forehead to spare him torture, ease things over with Brooklyn, and regain the loyalty of his own crime family.
    • Johnny tells Tony that Phil still isn't happy with what has happened. Tony tells Johnny to tell Phil that he better accept it and suggests that Johnny give Phil an interest in Johnny's sports book operation. Johnny tells Tony that he already had thought of that himself and that he thinks he could sell it to Phil. Tony and Johnny appear to reconcile, following this, and discuss the difficult decisions involved in being the boss of a family. Johnny invites Tony to a private meeting in back of his house before it is interrupted by an FBI raid that takes down Johnny. Tony escapes through the woods and walks home but drops a gun in the snow, finding out later that he was not a target in the FBI operation.

[edit] Season 6 (2006–2007)

[edit] part 1

Part 1 of Season 6 premiered on March 12, 2006 with the episode "Members Only"

  • 2006
    • In the 2 year span since Season 5, Vito has lost 100 pounds and is a model for a weight loss program, Agent Harris is now working Terrorism, Carmela has begun building her spec house (which she has to start over because the wrong type of wood was used), AJ is in college, Meadow is deciding between a career in law and medicine, Paulie has been named Underboss, Christopher has been named captain, Janice and Bobby have a baby girl, and Eugene Pontecorvo learns he's going to inherit two million dollars from the passing of a relative.
    • Phil Leotardo has been named Acting Boss of the Lupertazzi Family while Johnny is in prison and is resolving issues peacefully and amicably with Tony despite recurring tensions.
    • After more than a year, Carmela still doesn't know the truth about what happened to Adriana, but still thinks about her. She even has dreams involving Adriana. Tony dismisses the topic, saying that she must have run off with another man.
    • Raymond Curto, who had supplied the FBI with information and recordings about illegal Soprano business, dies of natural causes while sitting in a car and talking with FBI Agent Robyn Sanseverino.
    • Eugene Pontecorvo is revealed to be an FBI informant. He commits suicide after learning that he is restricted from retiring to Florida with his wife and two children (by both the FBI and Tony).
    • Uncle Junior, suffering from dementia, thinks Tony is "Little Pussy" Malanga breaking into his house, and shoots him in the abdomen. Tony is left bleeding on his uncle's kitchen floor after dialing 911.
    • Tony is taken to the hospital shortly after being shot by Uncle Junior. Tony undergoes surgery and goes into a comatose state.
    • Uncle Junior is arrested and interrogated by specialists to determine if he knew Tony was the victim he shot. He reveals further evidence of his dementia by stating sincerely that Tony must have shot himself because "he is a depression case". Junior is also being represented by a new attorney, because his previous attorney Harold "Mel" Melvoin, had a stroke and Junior did not feel comfortable with Melvoin's paralyzed hand.
    • With Tony in a coma, Silvio takes the position of Acting Boss of the Family.
    • Agent Harris, eating at Satriale's, asks Christopher to give him a call if he ever sees any suspicious Muslims or Pakistanis. Christopher mocks him and his new counter-terrorism job. Later, he talks to two Muslims, Ahmed and Muhammad, at the Bing who ask how Tony is doing.
    • AJ tells his unconscious father that he will "get" Uncle Junior. Afterwards, he reveals to Carmela that he flunked out of junior college.
    • While in the coma, Tony has a dream-like [3] sequence where he is a businessman at a convention in California. He mistakenly picks up a wallet and briefcase which belong to "Kevin Finnerty" instead of his own at a bar. Throughout the dream, Tony is mistaken for Finnerty and acts differently from how he acts in his normal life, even losing his famed New Jersey accent. While hurriedly walking down a flight of stairs in his hotel, Tony falls, is hospitalized for a minor concussion, and diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
    • With a tip from Vito, Paulie makes a big score robbing Colombian drug dealers, but suffers a groin injury during the heist. Both are dissatisfied when Silvio orders them to kick up money for Carmela.
    • Christopher and Bobby warn AJ about going after Uncle Junior after finding out AJ tried to buy a gun.
    • Carmela angrily tells AJ that he's "a cross to bear", after seeing a news report of AJ commenting on the shooting.
    • Carmela visits with Dr. Melfi and reveals her worries about her children being exposed to the business, and also wonders about the reason she loves Tony.
    • Vito has a disagreement with Bobby over Eugene's Roosevelt Ave. collections, an Aprile crew income on Junior Soprano crew territory. Neither is satisfied with Silvio's 'temporary' decision to grant Bobby a percentage.
    • Christopher reunites with his old AA sponsor, JT Dolan, and forces him to write a slasher/mob film crossover screenplay tentatively titled "Cleaver". He brings in Little Carmine, Silvio Dante, Carlo Gervasi, Larry Baraese, Paulie Gaultieri and few others to produce the movie, and leaves a spot open for Tony.
    • Silvio, unable to handle the pressures of being Acting Boss, suffers an asthma attack and is taken to the hospital.
    • Tony, during a coma-dream sequence, encounters and eventually meets with a group of Buddhist monks who claim to have been ripped off by Kevin Finnerty. During their meeting they say they need to find someone who will take responsibility for Finnerty's actions. In the dream, Tony says "I can't do that."
    • Vito meets with his cousin-in-law, Phil Leotardo, and Larry Boy Barese insinuating that he could take over the Family if Tony doesn't recover.
    • In Tony's coma-dream, he is met by Tony Blundetto, who he does not recognize. Tony B. tries leading him into a house which he calls a "family reunion". Approaching the house, Tony sees a woman resembling his mother walk through the front door. After Tony hears Meadow's voice (as a child) urging him not to go, he resists giving his briefcase (symbolizing his life) to Blundetto, and awakens from his coma before it could be taken away.
    • Still recovering in the hospital, Tony discusses life, religion and science with visiting evangelicals Aaron Aarkaway and Bob Brewster, and a neighboring patient, a scientist named John Schwinn. When he finally leaves the hospital, he realizes what a lucky man he is to be alive.
    • Urged by Tony to pull his weight as an earner, Bobby makes a deal to shoot and wound Marvin, a rapper hoping to gain notoriety, in "the fleshy part of the thigh." Bobby intentionally misses and shoots Marvin in the buttocks, when Marvin comes up short on his payment..
    • AJ and Carmela make up from their fight, and AJ gets a job at Blockbuster.
    • Jason Barone looks to sell his late father's company, Barone Sanitation, which Tony uses for income, as well as for his W-2 form and health insurance. He accepts a bid from Cinelli Trucking (a business owned by the Lupertazzi Family) until he is threatened by the Soprano family. Jason tries to back out of the sale, but one of his truck drivers gets beaten. Once out of the hospital, a mellowed Tony accepts the compromise offered by Johnny Sack to sell to Cinelli, and be on the payroll for 10 years and receive 12% of the sale price. Jason's mother goes to Tony to beg for mercy for her son, and Tony assures her he will not be harmed.
    • Paulie learns that his real mother is actually his Aunt Dottie (who reveals the truth to him on her deathbed), a nun who had an affair and was forced to give him up to her sister, Nucci, in order to spare her and her family from shame. Paulie disowns Nucci for lying to him all these years, refusing to pay for her room at Green Grove Nursing Home. After seeing Mrs. Barone show so much love for Jason, Paulie gets emotional and attacks the young man, demanding payment of $4000 a month, the same amount it costs to keep Nucci at Green Grove, which is to be kept secret from Tony.
    • Phil Leotardo passes on a request from Johnny Sack, for Tony to carry out a hit on Rusty Millio but Tony refuses to take part in the hit.
    • Christopher sells stolen credit card numbers to Ahmed and Muhammad. The two ask him where they can buy TEC-9 submachine guns to "take care of a family problem".
    • Junior is put into a psychiatric ward for rehabilitation so that he can stand trial. He still does not believe he could have shot his nephew, claiming that if he did shoot Tony, the gun must have gone off because he hadn't cleaned it.
    • Tony refuses to talk about Junior and the shooting, even to Dr. Melfi. Carmela throws out a newspaper section with Junior on the front page in order to shield Tony from the sight of his uncle.
    • Johnny Sack is let out of prison for six hours in order to attend his daughter's wedding. He is escorted by two United States Marshals and is made financially responsible for wedding security, including metal detectors and additional marshals.
    • As Tony is entering the church for the wedding, the metal detectors at the entrance go off and the federal marshals force Tony to remove his shoes. While attempting to do this, he collapses in front of hundreds of wedding guests.
    • At the reception, Tony speaks to Johnny, personally, about the proposed Rusty Millio hit and this time, Tony agrees to take care of it. As Johnny's daughter is about to leave for her honeymoon, the marshals block her exit and proceed to bring Johnny back to jail. As he is handcuffed, he begins to cry and as a result of the whole situation, his wife faints. Afterwards, Phil speaks out on his lowered esteem for John due to the incident outside. Chris and Paulie voice their agreement while Tony defends him.
    • Vito's homosexuality is discovered when he is seen at a gay bar by two wise guys collecting their protection money. Vito returns home and picks up a handgun before he absconds to a motel. After placing his handgun on the nightstand he makes a cryptic early morning call to Silvio. After the call, Vito stares at the handgun, possibly contemplating suicide.
    • Arriving at Satriale's, Tony notices Vito's absence and inquires about it. Fearful that his collapse at the church made him appear weak, Tony, inspired by Dr. Melfi's advice to change how his crew sees him, decides to take action. He acts as if nothing is wrong about Vito's absence. Tony then baits his new bodyguard (a former bodybuilder) into a fight and beats him in front of the rest of the crew. After the fight, Tony enters the men's room and vomits what appears to be blood, in the toilet, before looking at himself menacingly in the mirror and then vomiting again.
    • Tony and Christopher advance the plot to put a hit on Rusty, with Tony ordering Chris to provide two hit men arriving from Naples with a contact to sell them weapons to use in the assassination.
    • Chris and Murmur are told by a guy in AA about Vito's homosexuality. When they tell the guys about it, Paulie and Tony are skeptical while Carlo voices his anger.
    • Vito flees when approached by his associates while staying at his comare's. He eventually ends up in rural New Hampshire, where he holds up in a B&B and begins trolling the local antique shops.
    • After much posturing, Tony admits to Dr. Melfi about being conflicted about ordering a hit on one of his top earners solely for his alleged homosexuality.
    • Meadow reveals to Carmela and Rosalie that Finn caught Vito giving a security guard a blowjob. Tony brings Finn to Satriale's, where he confirms the story to the guys.
    • Carlo is given Vito's position as point man for the construction business. He tells Tony that the guys in Vito's crew and the captains don't want to associate themselves with Vito, but Tony reminds him that he's the one that makes the call about what happens. Silvio warns Tony against going soft on Vito fearing that it may damage Tony's street cred.
    • Finn is derisive of Meadow's defense of her family's way of doing business, recounting for her his testimony against Vito at a makeshift tribunal and predicting that Tony and his associates are preparing to mete out their own justice against Vito.
    • The New York and New Jersey families hold a banquet honoring new made men. During his speech, Phil bursts into a rant against Vito. Outside, Carlo offers to hire an investigator to track down Vito, but Tony tells him that they'll wait for him to come back before dealing with him.
    • Rusty Millio and Eddie Pietro get whacked outside of Rusty's home in Ozone Park by the two men sent from Naples. Phil thanks Tony for the favor, but Tony denies that he was involved, saying that he turned John's request down.
    • Artie's restaurant, Nuovo Vesuvio, is down 40% in business due to the success of a competing restaurant, Da Giovanni's, across town.
    • Chris and Little Carmine meet with Ben Kingsley to pitch their movie idea in hopes of signing him to play the role of "the boss". They follow Kingsley to the Luxury Lounge, where Kingsley is lavished with free gifts. Chris, using drugs and alcohol, tries and makes friends with Kingsley, but he declines the movie role and Chris' attempts to get back into the Luxury Lounge.
    • Chris calls Murmur to drop his credit card collections and come to California because he's back using drugs again.
    • Jealous of the movie star's ability to get expensive things for free, Chris robs Lauren Bacall of her award show gift bag.
    • Artie, angry about Benny's flirting with Martina and the subsequent revelation that the two are stealing credit card numbers from his restaurant, confronts and attacks Benny outside of his home. Tony tells the two to let bygones be bygones, but after Artie goads Benny about Martina in front of his wife and his parents Benny ignores this and dips Artie's hand into a boiling pot of marinara sauce.
    • Tony blames the trouble between Artie and Benny on Christopher's absence. Christopher says that Tony allowed him to go and brings up how he gave up Adriana again. Tony asks Christopher how many times he's going to play the Adriana card.
    • AJ plots to murder Uncle Junior in the rec room of the State Hospital. The plot goes seriously wrong when AJ drops the knife, then is subdued by the team of orderlies. Tony then comes to his son's rescue with the simple call to his 'friend' in the State Capital, Assemblyman Zellman.
    • Christopher's girlfriend Kelli reveals to him that she is pregnant. He then proposes to her, then the couple takes a trip to Atlantic City to make the marriage official. With Christopher now a captain, married and expected father of one, he purchases a new home; which he describes as 'Stately Wayne Manor'.
    • Tony & Christopher spot bikers stealing wine from a restaurant, and rob them in turn. They seem to "bond" over the incident, and become emotional while celebrating with some of the wine.
    • Johnny Sack pleads guilty and admits at his trial his association with 'La Cosa Nostra'. He receives a 15 year sentence. Meanwhile, the feds seize a certain percentage of the Sacrimoni family estate, including the 2004 Maserati that Christopher recently purchased from Johnny's wife Ginny. This move by Johnny is viewed as cowardly by many of his capos, including Acting Boss Phil Leotardo.
    • Vito Spatafore, who has been on the lam in New Hampshire with a new love interest, Jim, whom he affectionately calls Johnny Cakes, starts to miss his old life in New Jersey. Long hours at a construction job, lack of nightlife, and heartache from missing his wife and children cause Vito to pack up and leave his lover high and dry. En route back to NJ, Vito is drinking heavily and gets into a car accident, causing him to shoot an innocent man rather than have the police arrive.
    • Vito arrives back in NJ, but does not announce his return. Instead, he corners Tony in a mall with his brother Bryan as backup. He begs Tony to allow him to return to the Family, saying he knows he can no longer be a high-influence captain, but will settle in Atlantic City. Tony mulls it over with Sil, but its clear that Carlo and Paulie will not accept it, and Phil Leotardo is out for blood. Tony sanctions a hit on Vito, saying its Carlo's responsibility.
    • Rather than allow the Soprano Family to handle their own affairs, Phil Leotardo hunts down Vito with Dom Gamiello and Gerry Torciano. After Phil calls the bound & gagged Vito a "disgrace", Gerry and Dom brutally beat Vito to death, and leave a pool cue inside his rectum.
    • Vito's murder infuriates the NJ crew. Even though they were going to have Vito killed, Phil was disrespectful, murdering one of their captains without permission. With Phil as the new head of the Lupertazzi Family, it is clear war is on the horizon. Tony discusses plans with Sil to burn down some of Phil's property as revenge.
    • Dom Gamiello comes to Satriale's to give Sil and Carlo a taste from an operation they pulled; however, Dom has a big mouth and begins bragging about the Vito hit, and then continues to insult Carlo. After telling Dom to shut up and leave, and met with refusal, Sil begins to beat him with a hand-held vacuum, while Carlo stabs him immediately. When Tony arrives, Sil begs him not to enter, but Tony does so anyways and is visibly agitated.
    • A.J. is fired from Blockbuster. Tony finally puts his foot down and demands that A.J. take a construction job, using a bit of intimidation to get the point across.
    • Meadow tells her parents that she's moving to California to be with Finn.
    • Carmella and Rosalie Aprile go to Paris, France, from winning a church silent auction. While Rosalie becomes preoccupied with a man and the more materialistic things in the "city of lights", Carmella is sucked into the rich history and waxes philosophical. In a dream, she encounters Adrianna, with a gendarme beside her, saying, "Someone should just tell her she's dead."
    • Phil Leotardo's Wire Room is blown up, the flames nearly engulfing him and his comáre.
    • Christopher meets Juliana Skiff, a real estate agent who had done business with Tony Soprano earlier that year (and almost went further), in an A.A. meeting. The two, unknowingly, are enablers to one another, causing their addiction to grow, thinking they can incorporate their drug use into their ordinary schedule. They develop an affair, and Christopher starts to neglect his pregnant wife, thinking he's made a mistake with her.
    • Christopher reveals to Tony that he's seeing Juliana, and Tony gives him his blessing, acting like he doesn't care.
    • With nothing else to do, Carmella presses Tony on hiring a private investigator to find Adrianna. This causes Tony to demand that Sil "lean" on the building inspector, letting Carmela continue with her spec house.
    • A.J., while working at the construction site, meets Blanca, a secretary. She's older than him and is a single mother of a little boy. They become romantically involved.
    • Agent Harris, eating at Satriale's, warns Tony (as a "Christmas gift") that Phil and his crew are planning on whacking one of Tony's men.
    • Phil suffers chest pains, and later a heart attack, and is admitted to the hospital. Tony visits Phil and reveals some personal experiences from when he was comatose. He asks Phil to relax and enjoy his grandchildren, and not to worry just about money. "We can have it all, Phil." Uncharacteristically, Phil is moved to tears.
    • With Meadow on the line from California, the Sopranos celebrate Christmas Eve in their home, with Bobby and Janice and their kids, Christopher and his wife, Kelli, and A.J., his girlfriend, Blanca, and her son, Hector. Tony and Carmella are put off with the fact that Blanca is Puerto Rican. "Who knows, she may be Dominican? At least, she's Catholic." The extended family gathers around the Christmas tree, with "Silent Night" being crooned in the background by Frank Sinatra. Blanca mentions, "You have a beautiful home." With a smile of abundant happiness, Carmella nods, eyes beaming, "Thank you... we do."

[edit] part 2

Part 2 of Season 6 premiered on April 8, 2007 with the episode "Soprano Home Movies"

    • Christopher has seemingly ceased regular work with his crew and the family, in order to produce his film Cleaver.
    • Phil Leotardo has recovered from his heart condition and has retaken his place as Boss of the Lupertazzi family.
    • Tony informs Bobby Baccala that he is considering him to replace Christopher as his right-hand-man and eventual successor.
    • Tony and Carmela spend a weekend in the Adirondacks with Bobby and Janice to celebrate Tony's 47th birthday. During a drunken argument in which Tony verbally abused Janice, Bobby Baccala struck and fought him, winning the fight.
    • The next day Tony and Bobby make amends and attend a business meeting with French Canadian pharmaceutical smugglers. Tony negotiates a lower price in exchange for carrying out a hit on one of the French Canadian's estranged family members. Tony gives the job to Bobby, who commits his first-ever murder.
    • Christopher's movie Cleaver premieres with friends and family attending the first screening. Carmela and others note the mob boss character's unflattering comparisons with Tony. After a confrontation with Carmela, Christopher persuades J.T. Dolan to tell Tony that that idea of the boss seducing character Michael's fiancé was an idea he stole from an old film starring William Holden.
    • Johnny Sack dies of lung cancer in the prison hospital, creating an opening for the Boss of the New York Family. One of the contenders, Gerry "the hairdo" Torciano is having dinner with Silvio Dante when he is murdered by a gunman hired by competitor Doc Santoro .
    • Tony visits Little Carmine and states he will back him in a bid for Boss, but Carmine refuses the job.
    • Phil Leotardo, who was previously planning on stepping down as Boss, changes his mind after a ceremony honoring his slain brother and remembering that his family name was changed from Leonardo at Ellis Island. He decides to go to war with Santoro and assume the mantle of boss once again. He has Santoro killed and takes his place as boss.
    • AJ proposes to Blanca who accepts, but leaves him shortly thereafter. AJ goes into a deep depression and begins taking anti depressants.
    • Christopher Moltisanti is suffocated to death by Tony Soprano after both were involved in an automobile accident. Soprano had become aware of Christopher's relapse into drugs — he was fearful that Chris' drug addiction might cause him to "flip" and was growing tired of Chris' recklessness and increasingly erratic behavior.
    • Tony trips on Peyote in Vegas and feels liberated by Christopher's death.
    • Meadow Soprano breaks up with Finn, decides on law school over med school and in the final episode becomes engaged to Patrick Parisi.
    • A.J. attempts suicide in the backyard pool but then changes his mind. He still nearly drowns but is rescued by Tony and the family then places him in a mental-health ward for treatment.
    • After a member of Phil Leotardo's crew, Coco, threatens Meadow, Tony savagely beats him in a restaurant. Phil Leotardo refuses to attend a make-peace meeting brokered by Little Carmine.
    • New York decides to wipe out the Jersey Family by hitting Tony, Silvio and Bobby. Tony, acting on yet another tip from Agent Harris; attempts to strike first by assassinating Phil, but the hit is botched and Phil's mistress and her elderly father are killed.
    • Dr. Melfi drops Tony as a patient.
    • Bobby Baccalieri missed Silvios phone call warning the crew of an impending hit and is murdered by Phil Leotardo's crew. Silvio Dante, after suffering serious injuries from a shoot-out with New York hitmen outside the Bada Bing, is in the hospital and unlikely to regain consciousness. Tony, Paulie, Carlo, Walden and others in the Jersey family take cover in safe-houses.
    • Little Carmine brokers a meeting between Tony and Butch DeConcini and Albie Cianfone of New York (Phil's Underboss and Consigliere respectively). The meeting is controlled by another New York family, guaranteeing everyones protection. Without giving up Phil's location, Butch and Albie agree to end the war and give Tony their blessing to take out Phil.
    • With the help of information from Agent Harris, Phil Leotardo is tracked down and murdered by Walden Belfiore on the orders of Tony Soprano.
    • Carlo Gervasi son is arrested on serious drug charges. Carlo is forced to become an informer for the FBI and is due to testify against Tony in an indictment that includes a gun charge.
    • Tony visits Junior one last time.
    • The series ends with the fate of Tony Soprano unknown.

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]"Mob Secrets", Union Tribune, September 12, 2002
  2. ^ [2]"Jersey cases inspire new 'Sopranos' season", The Star Ledger, January 9, 2003
  3. ^ [3] "Tony Checks into Hotel California", Newark Star-Ledger, March 20, 2006