The Shorthorn

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The Shorthorn is the campus newspaper for the University of Texas at Arlington. It is published Tuesday through Friday in the fall and spring semesters and on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the summer. The Shorthorn contains News, Sports, Opinion, and Scene (feature) sections as well as a Classifieds page. The opinion page also has two original cartoon strips, Cannon Fodder and Picard Hall.

The Shorthorn has been in print since 1919. It is a fully functional student-run publication that has won many awards for excellence in journalism. It won the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors award for Best College Daily Newspaper in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. It has also been awarded the Columbia Scholastic Press Association's Gold Crown Award in 1988, 1990, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005 and 2006.

The Shorthorn is a conservative systematically biased student newspaper especially on topics like stem cell research, cloning, and other controversial topics.

The current editorial board for The Shorthorn comprises:

Editor in Chief, Cassie Smith
Managing Editor, Caleb Gremmer
News Editor, Ray Buffington
Assistant News Editor, Larissa Robinson
Online Editor, Phillip Bowden
Design Editor, Daniel Johnson
Copy Desk Chief, Joe Wilkins
Sports Editor, Stephen Peters
Scene Editor, Emily Toman
Opinion Editor, Charity Monthieth
Photo Editor, Megumi Rooze

The Shorthorn's Web site can be found [here], and is maintained by:
Webmaster, Troy Buchwalter
Online Editor, Phillip Bowden

[edit] References The University of Texas at Arlington