The Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery

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The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Vol. I - V, are the personal journals of famed Canadian author, Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874 - 1942). Originally, Montgomery had bequeathed all of her journals and scrapbooks to her son, Dr. E. Stuart Macdonald. Macdonald held onto those journals and scrapbooks until 1981, when he donated them to the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Mary Rubio, and Elizabeth Waterston, of the University of Guelph, co-edited all 5 volumes of these journals. Rubio and Waterston edited these volumes from 1985 - 2004.


[edit] Summary

Until recently, Montgomery's readers had only a limited understanding of her personal life. Some surmised that Emily of New Moon was the closest to an autobiography that Montgomery's readers would ever get. Then, in 1985, the first edition of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Vol. I: 1889 - 1910 was published by the Oxford University Press [1]in Canada. In 1987, Volume II: 1910 - 1921, and in 1993, Volume III: 1921 - 1929, was published. Volume IV: 1929 - 1935 was published in 1998, and Volume V: 1935 - 1942, was published in 2004.

[edit] Publication

Volume inclusive dates ISBN (Hardcover) published ISBN (paperback) published
I 1889 - 1910 ISBN 978-0195405033 1985 ISBN 0195415124 2000
II 1910 - 1921 ISBN 978-0195405866 1987 ISBN 0195418018 2003
III 1921 - 1929 ISBN 978-0195409369 1993 ISBN 0195418026 2003
IV 1929 - 1935 ISBN 978-0195413816 1998 ISBN 0195423046 2005
V 1935 - 1942 ISBN 978-0195421163 2004 ISBN 0195422155 2004

[edit] Unpublished Journal

There are many omissions of her journal entries.[1] Unpublished journals are archived in University of Guelph [2] and Looking for Anne is quoting many from unpublished journal entries.

[edit] References

  • Montgomery, L.M. (1985). The selected journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume I: 1889 - 1910 (Rubio,M. & Waterston, E.). Oxford University Press: Toronto.
  • Oxford University Press, Canada [2], Retrieved July 6, 2007.
  • The Reading Well and Bohemian Literary Café [3], Retrieved July 6, 2007.
  • University of Guelph[4], Retrieved July 6, 2007.

  1. ^ Mary Rubio, Elizabeth Waterston, Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889 - 1910, Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN 978-0195415124, p. 416
  2. ^ Irene Gammel, Looking for Anne, Key Porter Books, ISBN 978-1552639856, p.264

[edit] External links

  • University of Guelph[5]
  • Oxford University Press, Canada [6]
  • The Reading Well and Bohemian Literary Cafe[7], Provides information about what the individual journal volumes contain.