The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two

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The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two: The Greatest Science Fiction Novellas of All Time (1973) is an anthology edited by Ben Bova. It honors works published prior to the institution of the Nebula Awards in 1965. Twenty-two novellas, first published between 1895 and 1961, were selected by the Science Fiction Writers of America as part of the same voting process that established the contents of The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One, 1929-1964, a collection of the best-regarded short stories.


[edit] Contents

[edit] Volume Two A

Author Novella Title Year of first publication
Poul Anderson "Call me Joe" 1957
John W. Campbell "Who Goes There?" 1938
Lester del Rey "Nerves" 1942
Robert A. Heinlein "Universe" 1941
Cyril M. Kornbluth "The Marching Morons" 1951
Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore "Vintage Season" 1946
Eric Frank Russell "...And Then There Were None" 1951
Cordwainer Smith "The Ballad of Lost C'Mell" 1962
Theodore Sturgeon "Baby is Three" 1952
H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" 1895
Jack Williamson "With Folded Hands" 1947

[edit] Volume Two B

Author Novella Title Year of first publication
Isaac Asimov "The Martian Way" 1952
James Blish "Earthman Come Home" 1953
Algis Budrys "Rogue Moon" 1960
Theodore Cogswell "The Spectre General" 1952
E.M. Forster "The Machine Stops" 1908
Frederik Pohl "The Midas Plague" 1954
James H. Schmitz "The Witches of Karres" 1949
T. L. Sherred "E for Effort" 1947
Wilmar H. Shiras "In Hiding" 1948
Clifford D. Simak "The Big Front Yard" 1958
Jack Vance "The Moon Moth" 1961

[edit] See also

Nebula Award for Best Novella

[edit] External links