The Santangelo Gang

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The Santangelo Gang is a fictional criminal gang that was created by novelist Jackie Collins in the 1981 novel Chances.

[edit] Formation and Operations

The gang was formed in New York City in 1924 by Gino Santangelo with Aldo Dinunzio. Initially it was just the two of them but later the gang extended to include Pink Banana Kassari as an enforcer and Aldo's cousin Enzio Bonnatti who already had a reputation as a gangleader in Chicago. Gino and Aldo's first 'jobs' invloved larceny, but after being betrayed and spending time in jail, the Santangelo gang moved on to bootlegging. After 1928, when Gino was working with Senator Oswald Duke, the gang extended it's activities to loansharking, numbers games and gambling. As a matter of principle, Gino refused to touch either drugs or prostitution which led to Gino and Enzio parting ways.

[edit] Members