The Romantic Anonymous Fellowship

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Logo of The Romantic Anonymous Fellowship
Logo of The Romantic Anonymous Fellowship

The Romantic Anonymous Fellowship was founded by the Stuckist painter Odysseus Yakoumakis on September of 2004, as the first, and currently the only, Greek group of Stuckism International. It has an international membership.


[edit] History

Odysseus Yakoumakis discovered Stuckism in July, 2004, while surfing the net, and saw in it an antidote to what he deems "the ailments of the contemporary Greek 'artscape'".[1] He contacted Charles Thomson, the London founder of Stuckism, and a few days later founded The Romantic Anonymous Fellowship. He conceived this as a "Greek version of Stuckism" to oppose "contemporary Greek art's provincialism, sectarianism and servile importation of post-modernism". He developed the concept of "Romantic Stuckism", that is of "Stuckism with a good injection of Platonic philosophy and with a particular emphasis on both Romanticism and Classicism.[2] He published the first two Romantic Stuckist theoretical texts on the Fellowship's web site. These were "The Romantic Anonymous Manifesto" and "A Romantic & Anonymous (nonetheless signed) Critique of Post Modernism".

At that stage he was the Fellowship's only fellow and, as far as he knew, the only artist in Greece aware of the Stuckist movement. He contacted other fine artists in Athens, but described the reactions he got as "ranging from a tepid 'academic curiosity' to a sheer lack of interest or even, occasionally, to a politely concealed hostility." He was however contacted by artists from overseas and accepted them into the Fellowship. The first to apply was Ian J. Burkett, a painter living in London and founder of the Ealing Stuckists group. Shortly after, followed the painter and etcher Ilania Abileah from Canada, the painter Lafi Degani from Israel and the painter and etcher Anthe (who is of Greek descent) from the US.

[edit] Under the Cover of Romantic Anonymity

Yakoumakis determined nevertheless that Stuckism should be brought "in the flesh" before the eyes of the Greek fine arts community, and organised the first Stuckist event in Greece, titled titled "Under the Cover of Romantic Anonymity", announced for early 2007.

Stuckist artists taking part include:

Guest artists participating are:

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ This issue is taken up in Yakoumis' article, "The Academic Provincialism of contemporary Greek Art and its proposed Stuckist remedy", to be presented by him at the first Stuckist international symposiumThe Triumph of Stuckism in Liverpool, England
  2. ^ According to Yakoumakis, Romanticism and Classicism "can perfecly combine in a Remodernist matrix."

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links