The Queen's Jubilee

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The Queen's Jubilee is a famous song composed by Princess Lili'uokalani of Hawai'i to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria of England, which Princess Lili'uokalani attended with a royal contingent from Hawai'i.

Queen Victoria in 1887 during her Golden Jubilee. During her reign she had help protect the Hawaiian Kingdom. She was great friends to many of the Hawaiian monarchs and was Prince Albert's godmother. This friendship didn't end with the Kamehameha Dynasty.
Queen Victoria in 1887 during her Golden Jubilee. During her reign she had help protect the Hawaiian Kingdom. She was great friends to many of the Hawaiian monarchs and was Prince Albert's godmother. This friendship didn't end with the Kamehameha Dynasty.
Mahalo piha, Mô`î `o `Enelani All hail to you, Great Queen of England
Ku`i kou kaulana nâ `âina pau Fair Queen who rules over land and sea
Na kai âkau nâ one hema From northern seas to southern shores
`Ikea kou `ihi mana nui Your way is known both far and near
<Eia mâkou i kou kapa kai We come to your shores, gracious lady
`I kou lâ nui Iubilî On this great day of your Jubilee
I hi`i mai i kou mâkou aloha To bring kind greetings from afar
Maluna ou ka malu o ka Lani May heaven bless you, long may you reigntd
Hau`oli`oli `Emepela o `Inia All hail, all hail, Empress of India
I kêia makahiki Iubili In this your year of Jubilee
`Âkoakoa nâ ali`i `aimoku Now kings, queens and princes great
A puni ke ao holo`oko`a Have all assembled here today
E hi`ilani e mililani To pay due homage and reverent love
Ua hui pû`ia me Hawai`i Hawaii joins with loyal fervor
E uhi mai ka lani i kona nani May Heaven smile on you
E ola ka mô`î ke Akua God bless the Queen, long may she live

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