The Progressive Populist
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The Progressive Populist is a magazine in tabloid newspaper format published twice monthly. Founded in 1995, the magazine is based in Storm Lake, Iowa with editorial offices in Manchaca, Texas. The editors are James M. Cullen and Art Cullen and the publisher is John Cullen.
The magazine labels itself as "A Journal from America's Heartland." It deals with political and economic topics of interest to "workers, small businesses, and family farmers and ranchers"; according to its about page, the journal "report[s] on issues of interest to the middle class of America." [1]
The magazine publishes original and syndicated columns of progressive journalists and pundits. Regular contributors include Jim Hightower, Amy Goodman, Dean Baker, Alvena Bieri, John Buell, Alexander Cockburn, Patrisia Gonzales and Roberto Rodriguez, Froma Harrop, Arianna Huffington, Jesse Jackson, Hank Kalet, Donald Kaul, Gene Lyons, Margot Ford McMillen, Garrison Keillor, Amanda G. Little, Ralph Nader, Wayne O'Leary, Greg Palast, Rob Patterson, Ted Rall, Joan Retsinas, Michael Silverstein, David Sirota, Norman Solomon, Tom Tomorrow, Mark Weisbrot, Robert Weissman, Dave Zirin and Dave Zweifel.