The Priory Lincolnshire School of Science and Technology

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The Priory LSST
Type Technology/Training
Headteacher Richard Gilliland
Location Cross O'Cliff Hill

The Priory Lincoln School of Science and Technology, also known as The Priory LSST (previously LSST), is an English comprehensive school situated on Cross O'Cliff Hill, Lincoln, Lincolnshire. It admits 240 pupils each year, with up to 10% being being chosen via a Technological Aptitude Assessment (Admin policy), in line with all English schools' remits to accept up to 10% of intake based on ability; and currently has approximately 1650 pupils, 240 of whom are in the sixth form. The school has recently become part of The Lincolnshire Schools Academys project with Joseph Ruston, City of Lincoln school and Usher Junior school.


[edit] Performance

An Ofsted inspection in December 2005 rated the school overall as "outstanding" in every category. However, the school faired less well in the assessment of its sixth form where the school was only classed as "good" in the majority of areas (Ofsted Website). It was also commented that the school should increase communication between it and the parents of the pupils, as well as to take better consideration on the pupil's own ideas.

For the past three years (2005,2006 and 2007), the school has achieved 100% 5 A*-C GCSEs from Year 11 pupils, and it was featured in a Lincolnshire Echo (the local paper) front page article in 2005 where it was said that the school was the best in the country. This was partly due to the fact that the school was able to include the ICT GNVQ qualification, which was recognised as being worth 4 GCSEs - however, even without this well over 90% of students still achieved 5 A*-C GCSEs. In recent league tables the headline rate includes the % of students gaining 5 A*-C GCSEs including Maths and English at grade C - the Priory achieved 83% in 2006 and 89% in 2007 making it the most successful comprehensive school in Lincoln.

The school is both a Technology College and Training School. It has been awarded the Artsmark and Sportsmark accreditations as well as the "International School Award (Intermediate & Full Awards)" in 2005 and 2006 respectively.

[edit] History

The school is now found on the site of South Park High School which had originally opened in May 1922 as an all girls school and was closed in August 1989. It was reopened as The Lincoln School for Science and Technology in September 1992, admitting only year sevens in its first year growing in size each year as a new year group joined. Its name changed at the end of 1999 after it was felt that the original name made it unclear that the school catered for all subjects. South Park had been originally intended for 200 pupils, however, by the time it closed its size had reached 900. Since reopening the school has grown further with the inclusion of former gas works offices in 1998 and the addition of separate blocks for the reception, Music, Geography, History and R.E. in recent years.

[edit] Buildings

The Priory LSST Quad, as seen from the Science Section of the School. This is the original part of the School, showing the Languages (right), Mathematics (bottom floor center)
The Priory LSST Quad, as seen from the Science Section of the School. This is the original part of the School, showing the Languages (right), Mathematics (bottom floor center)

The School Campus consist of ten main buildings. The Main School block has rooms for Mathematics, Information Technology(IT), Languages, Science and Technology. A covered walkway to the 6th Form centre (that is also used for English, Art, Drama, and Examinations) passes recently built buildings including the Swimming Pool, the Pavilion (changing rooms for outdoor sporting activities as well as classrooms), the Chapel, the R.E block, the History block, the Geography block and the Music block. The school also has substantial green areas for sport as well as hard-surfaced areas for tennis, netball and hockey amongst others.

[edit] House system

Since 2001, the school, in common with many private schools in England, designates each pupil (and teacher) entering the school a member of one of four houses, to which the student belongs to for the duration of their studies at the school. The house system provides intra-school competitions in sports and other activities, culminating in a whole-school sports day in July.

The four houses within The Priory LSST are known as Sempringham(Yellow), Avalon(Green), Castille(Blue) and Alexandria(Red), and each of the houses' members are recognised by a badge on their jackets (in the house colour).

[edit] See also

[edit] External links