The Pony Club

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The Pony Club is a voluntary organisation founded in England in 1929. It is now represented in 18 countries worldwide.


[edit] The U.K. Pony Club

[edit] Structure

In the U.K. the Pony Club is divided into nineteen areas each of which is subdivided into branches. Each branch is administered by a District Commissioner and a voluntary committee. They are in charge of organising activities for the branch.

[edit] Membership

There are two types of membership, branch membership and centre membership. Branch members must have their own pony or be able to borrow one to participate in activities. However centre membership is run by Riding Schools and the members use the ponies belonging to the Riding School.

Children may become members up until the end of the year in which they reach their twenty-first birthday. Although recently Associate Membership was introduced which is available until the age of twenty-five provided that the member was already a member at the same branch or centre before their twenty-first birthday. Now members can stay in until the 25th birthday. This may be a temporary change.

[edit] History of the Pony Club

Table showing growth over years

1947 1952 1962
Membership (UK) 17,082 18,905 31,349
No. of Branches (UK) 167 201 255

[edit] Pony Club tests

The Pony Club encourages its members to take several tests on Riding and Horsemanship. These start with younger members gaining Achievement Badges. They then move onto the D Standard Test, followed by the D+ Standard. These tests are fairly basic. Once more detailed knowledge has been studied, members may take their C Standard and C+ Standard. The tests must all be completed in progression, members cannot take the C Standard until the D Standard has been completed, however the D+ and C+ tests are optional. The Riding and Road Safety Test also must be completed which ensures that members have the necessary knowledge to ride a horse or pony on the road. The B Standard Test demonstrates a high level of riding and horsecare and the A Test is thought of highly by employers in the horse industry and the holder of an A Test certificate has proven to have an extremely high level of riding and horsemanship.

[edit] Disciplines

The Pony Club holds competitions in the following disciplines: Dressage, Eventing, Showjumping, Mounted Games, Polo, Polocrosse, Tetrathlon and Horse Racing

[edit] Pony Club camp

The highlight of The Pony Club calendar for many children is the annual Pony Club Camp, organised by the branch or centre.

[edit] Membership

Membership costs £65 per year.

[edit] External links