The New Essential Chronology

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The New Essential Chronology
Author Daniel Wallace &
Kevin J. Anderson
Illustrator Mark Chiarello,
Tommy Lee Edwards, &
John Van Fleet
Country USA
Language English
Galactic Year N/A (set in New Republic era)
Canon C
Subject(s) Star Wars
Genre(s) Science Fiction
Publisher Del Rey
Released 25 October 2005
Pages Hardcover & Paperback
ISBN Hardcover:
ISBN 0-345-49053-3
ISBN 0-345-44901-0
Preceded by The Essential Chronology

The New Essential Chronology is a 256-page reference book published by Del Rey, the eleventh book in the Essential Guide series. It was written by Daniel Wallace with Kevin J. Anderson, and illustrated by Mark Chiarello, John Van Fleet and Tommy Lee Edwards. Ian Fullwood created the Galaxy map seen near the end of the book. The New Essential Chronology was released October 25, 2005.

The book provides a broad history of the Star Wars saga, from pre-Republic history to after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, drawing upon both well-known and obscure sources. This edition is updated for the prequel trilogy and the New Jedi Order. It is written from an in-universe perspective by Voren Na'al, Archivist Emeritus of the Historical Council, Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

[edit] Contents

  • Author Acknowledgements
  • Introduction to Students of History
  • Note on Dating Conventions
  • Part One: Tales of the Ancient Republic
    • Formation of the Republic
    • Emergence of the Sith
    • Legacy of the Sith
  • Part Two: The Fall of the Republic
    • The Beginning of the End
    • The Clone Wars
  • Part Three: The Empire and the New Order
    • The Dark Times
  • Part Four: Profiles in History
  • Part Five: The Galactic Civil War
    • Armed Rebellion Begins
    • A Light Eclipsed
    • Alliance Triumphant
  • Part Six: Birth of the New Republic
  • Part Seven: Empire Resurgent
  • Part Eight: The Return of the Jedi Knights
  • Part Nine: Uprisings and Insurgencies
  • Part Ten: A Lasting Peace
  • Part Eleven: Generations of Jedi Knights
  • Part Twelve: The New Jedi Order
  • Galaxy Map
  • Index

[edit] External links