The Last Horror Film

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The Last Horror Film

DVD cover for The Last Horror Film (A.K.A. Fanatic)
Directed by David Winters
Produced by Judd Hamilton,
David Winters
Written by Judd Hamilton,
Tom Klassen,
David Winters
Starring Caroline Munro,
Joe Spinell
Filomena Spagnuolo
Music by Jeff Koz,
Jesse Frederick
Cinematography Thomas F. Denove
Editing by Chris Barnes,
M. Edward Salier
Distributed by Troma Entertainment (DVD)
Release date(s) 1982
Running time 87 min
Country Flag of the United States USA
Language English
Budget $2,000,000 (estimated)
Allmovie profile
IMDb profile

The Last Horror Film (also known as Fanatic) is a 1982 horror film directed by David Winters and starring Joe Spinell and Caroline Munro.


[edit] Cast

  • Caroline Munro - Jana Bates
  • Joe Spinell - Vinny Durand
  • Judd Hamilton - Alan Cunningham
  • Devin Goldenberg - Marty Bernstein
  • David Winters - Stanley Kline
  • Susanne Benton - Susan Archer
  • Filomena Spagnuolo - Vinny's Mother
  • Glenn Jacobson - Bret Bates

[edit] Plot summary

Vinny Durand (Joe Spinell) is a New York City taxi driver who is obsessed with the international cult actress Jana Bates (Caroline Munro), who is known as the "queen of horror films". Vinny returns home to his apartment where he lives with his mother (played by Joe Spinell's real life mother), where he tells her that he's packing to go to the Cannes Film Festival in France hoping to meet Jana Bates and get her to star in his movie as his career start of being a film director. But his mother calls it just another one of his "crazy ideas."

Vinny arrives in Cannes and tries to get to meet Jana several times, but is turned away. Jana is in Cannes to promote her latest horror film Scream where he has been nominated for Best Actress. Accompaning Jana is her manager and ex-husband Bret Bates (Glenn Jacobson), and the film's producer Alan Cunningham (Judd Hamilton) who is her current beau. Vinny phones Bret to talk to Jana at her hotel room, but get hung up on. Shortly afterwards, Jana is at a press conference with Alan when she receives flowers and a note saying, "You've made your last horror film." When she goes to see Bret at his hotel room, she finds him dead and runs away. But when she returns with Alan and the local police, the body is gone.

Vinny continues following Jana around and filming her with his movie camera. Marty Bernestein (Devon Goldenberg) runs into Vinny and shrugs him off when Vinny asks him if he's willing promote his movie. Marty meets with the movie's director Stanley Kline (David Winters), and his personal assistant Susan Archer (Susanne Benson) where they reveal that all of them have received the same notes that Jana and Bret received. But when Marty takes his suspicious to the police, they think that Bret's disappearance is another publicity stunt. The next day, Marty gets a letter from Bret to meet him in a theater screening room. When Marty shows up, he is axed to death by a hooded figure.

While Jana attends more press conferences, Vinny goes to a nightclub where he attacks a stripper after seeing her as Jana. He goes to a local cinema where he watches a gory horror film of Stanley Kline, and runs into him outside the theater. The following day, Susan tells Stanley that she wants to leave Cannes, but he convinces her to stay a while longer. That evening, both of them are killed by the hooded figure atop a building where Stanley is stabbed to death, and she falls off the building's ledge after getting shot. The killer has a movie camera and films all the deaths.

Across town in Jana's hotel room, Vinny sneaks in with a bottle of champagne and surprises Jana as she's taking a shower. He asks her to appear in his movie, but she tells him to leave. Angered, Vinny breaks the bottle and threatens Jana with the bottle's jagged edge. When the doorbell rings, Jana pushes Vinny aside and escapes. Jana, clad only in her bathroom towel, runs screaming through the hotel lobby being chased by Vinny. The people in the lobby think it's another public stunt and applaud. Vinny, caught off guard, stops and smiles for them, allowing Jana to escape, who runs into Alan and a group of reporters outside the hotel. After explaining what happened, Alan tells Jana that he will take her away from the city.

The next day, Alan drives Jana to a remote castle in the French countryside where a musician friend of his, named Jonathan, is staying. Vinny follows them. That evening, Vinny sneaks into the castle, but is chased away by Jana's bodyguards who accidentally kill Jonathan as he trying to stop Vinny.

Alan and Jana return to Cannes for the awards ceremony where Vinny sneaks into the festivities dressed as a local policeman. While Jana waits in the back wing of the building, Vinny subdues Jana with chloroform and takes the unconscious actress away in his car back to the castle to film a scene there. Vinny films a scene with him playing Dracula and Jana as a victim. Suddenly in the climatic twist, Bret Bates shows up with another camera and a gun, and congratulates Vinny on setting everything up for him. Bret is revealed to be the killer and the mastermind behind this whole thing, not Vinny. Bret reveals that on the day when Vinny phoned him about his movie proposal, he realized that he had the perfect fall guy to set Vinny up for all the killings and to get even with Jana for leaving him. Vinny throws his cape over Bret, distracting him, and runs. But Bret grabs Jana and taunts Vinny to come out in the open. Outside, Vinny turns on a car's headlights, blinding Bret, and as Jana steps aside, Vinny attacks and decapitates Bret with a chainsaw. As Alan arrives with the police, Vinny stands before Bret's dead body and screams at this real killing, then...

The image falls back to reveal that this whole story is a movie that Vinny filmed at the Cannes Film Festival with Jana Bates, and he is now back in New York showing it to his mother in a screening room. His mother tells Vinny that she's finally proud of him for directing and starring in his first movie. As Vinny starts to talk to his mother ideas about his next movie, the old woman interrupts him to ask for a joint.

[edit] Trivia

  • The movie reunites Caroline Munro and Joe Spinell, the lead cast members from the movie Maniac.

[edit] Awards

  • Thomas F. Denove won the Clavell de Plata award for Best Cinematography at the 1982 Sitges.
  • The film was nominated for Best International Film at the 1983 Saturn Awards. Filomena Spagnuolo was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Saturn Awards as well.

[edit] External links