The Innocent (novel)

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The Innocent
Author Ian McEwan
Country Flag of England England
Language English
Publisher Jonathan Cape
Publication date 1990
Media type Hardcover
Pages 231
ISBN 0224027832

The Innocent is a 1990 novel by British writer Ian McEwan. The novel takes place in 1950s Berlin at the height of the Cold War and centres on the joint CIA/MI6 operation to build a tunnel from the American sector of Berlin into the Russian sector to tap the phone lines of the Soviet High Command.

Leonard Marnham is a 25-year-old Englishman who sets up and repairs the tape recorders used in the tunnel. He falls in love with Maria Eckdorf, a 30-year-old divorced German. The story revolves around their relationship and Leonard's role in the operation.

McEwan also wrote the screenplay for the 1993 movie.