The Globalized City

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The Globalized City: Economic Restructing and Social Polarization in European Cities
Author Frank Moulaert, Arantxa Rodriguez, Erik Swyngedouw
Country UK
Language English
Series Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies Series
Subject(s) Globalization
Publisher Oxford University Press
Publication date 25 March 2005
Pages 304
ISBN 978-0199260409

The Globalized City: Economic Restructing and Social Polarization in European Cities is an edited book that provides discussions and case studies on a number of large-scale Urban Development Projects in nine European cities. It also analyses the aspects of social exclusion, emergence of new urban elites, and the consolidation of less democratic forms of urban governance.

[edit] Brief summary

The book offers an in-depth analysis to the linkages between urban restructuring and social exclusion within the backdrop of the emerging trends of urban governance across the European Union, inciting neo-liberal and New Urban policies that increasingly favour private investments and deregulation of labour markets. The aim here is to indicate the relationship between new urban spaces with the emergence of new forms of polity, economy, and urban life that may not necessarily promote social harmony within the metropolitan areas.

[edit] The case studies

The nine case studies selected in the book identify a number of large-scale Urban Development Projects (UDPs) and look into the respective variation of governance systems at different scales. They also indicate how these "local" projects reflect global trends, institutional forms and strategic practices. The nine mega-projects include:

Actually these case studies show the discourse in beliefs that urban mega-projects and events are vital for city developments.

[edit] See also