The Forgotten Beasts of Eld

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The Forgotten Beasts of Eld

Dust-jacket from the first edition
Author Patricia A. McKillip
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Fantasy novel, Young Adult
Publisher Atheneum Books
Publication date 1974
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 217 pp
ISBN ISBN 068930434X

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld is a fantasy novel by Patricia A. McKillip, first published by Atheneum Publishers in 1974, and later Magic Carpet Books in 1996. It is the winner of the 1975 World Fantasy Award. The book centers on the fictional character Sybel, a woman previously cut off from the rest of the fictional world of Eldword, as she learns to live and love in the world outside of the one she once knew.


[edit] Plot summary

In the beginning of The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, sixteen year old Sybel lives alone on a mountain, with only the mythical creatures that her deceased father Ogam summoned for company. Sybel cares for the creatures and shares a type of telepathy with them. However, in the dead of night, a man named Coren gives her a baby to care for. Coren believes the baby is none other than the child of Rianna, the now deceased queen of Eld, and her dead lover, Norrel, although it is later revealed that he is the son of Rianna and Drede, king of Eldwold. Sybel accepts the baby, Tamlorn, on the Coren's conditions that she love it, and cares for Tamlorn with the help of the witch Maelga who lives near the mountain.

Twelve years later, Coren comes back for Tamlorn. Sybel refuses to return him, believing that Coren and his brothers would use Tamlorn in their plot against Drede, the king of Eld. She later reluctantly gives Tamlorn to Drede along with the mythical falcon Ter, to watch over Tamlorn. As a result Sybel falls into a depression and resumes her quest to summon the Liralen, a legendary white bird. Instead, she not only finds the Blammor, a creature that induces fear, but the wizard Mithran who has been paid by Drede to destroy Sybel's will and hand her over to him. However, Mithran desires Sybel and Sybel manages to escape by summoning the Blammor who crushes every bone in Mitran's body to splinters.

Upon returning back to her home, where Coren is recovering from his injuries caused by one of the creatures in Sybel's care, Sybel induces Coren to marry her, knowing he loves and she can use him and his love as a tool for revenge against Drede. They journey to Coren's home and get married. Later in the book, Sybel and Coren transport the mythical beasts and Sybel's books to Coren's home.

Sybil plans to start a war between Sirle, the rebels who oppose Drede, and Drede. Coren discovers this and is upset with Sybel. The Blammor, whom Sybel held on condition of her fearlessness, comes to Sybel in the night, and reveals her weakness to be a fatal flaw. Sybel then falls into a trance where she sees in her mind, the Liralen with its neck broken. Sybel flees to the now deserted Eld Mountain and sets all the creatures free. Through this metaphor, Sybel realises that she will lose everything if she goes ahead with her plans. They choose to lure Drede and his army, and the Sirle lords and their army, away from each other, thus defusing the war (although it is unknown at the end of the book whether the lords and armies will return, other than Coren). Tamlorn wakes Sybel up and tells her that Drede died of fear of the Blammor, and he is now king of Eldword. They go to Maelga's house where Sybel meets Coren, asks her why he should return to her. She tells him he is the only person who can bring her joy, and they reunite. On a hunch, Sybel summons the Blammor which reveals itself to be the Liralen. Sybel asks the Liralen to take her and Coren home.

[edit] Characters

Sybel- Sixteen at the beginning of The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, she raises Tamlorn with the help of Maelga, the witch. She is the daughter of Ogam. She does not display her emotions and desires knowledge. Throughout the book, she seeks the Liralen, a mysterious white bird. She later marries Coren. Described by McKillip as having long "ivory" hair and her father's black eyes, and very pale skin. Coren often refers to her as "Ice-white lady".

Ogam-Sybel's father and summoner of Gules Lyon, Ter, and Moriah.

Myk-Ogam's father and the one who started the practice of summoning the mythical beasts of Eld.

Coren-The man who brings the baby Tamlorn for Sybel to raise. He later falls in love with her. He is described as having red hair.

Tamlorn-Son of Rianna, the deceased queen of Eld and her lover, Norrel. Given to Sybel to raise when he was only a baby. Twelve years later in the book, he becomes king of Eld.

Maelga-The witch who lives near Sybel. Helps Sybel to raise Tamlorn in exchange for onions. She is described as being "a thin old woman" with untidy, curly white hair and iron grey eyes.

Drede-King of Eldword.

[edit] Beasts of Eld

Black Swan of Tirlith-One of the creatures that Sybel cares for. The author describes it as being "great winged" and "golden eyed". Summoned by Myk, the father of Ogam.

Blammor-A mysterious creature that causes fear. It is described as being a black mist with five eyes. Summoned by Sybel.

Cyrin-One of the creatures that Sybel cares for. He is a boar who "knew all the riddles save one"[1]. He is described as being very wise, and having red eyes and white tusks. Also summoned by Myk. Cyrin can speak, and, early in the book, warns Coren about what a desire for vengeance on Drede can do to him, with this cautionary tale: "The giant Grof was hit in one eye by a stone, and that eye turned inward so that it looked into his mind, and he died of what he saw there." Cyrin later tells Sybel the same thing, for a similar reason, but, in her case, it has no apparent immediate effect.

Gules Lyon- One of the creatures that Sybel cares for. A Lyon (lion) who "lived in the courts of great lords, dispensing wisdom, fed on rich meats, wearing their collars and chains of iron and gold only as long as he chose...". Before being summoned by Ogam, he lived in the Southern deserts of Eld.

Gyld-One of the creatures that Sybel cares for. He is a dragon with green wings and a love for treasure. Originally summoned by Myk, later in the book, he is released by Sybel.

Moriah-Described as being a huge black cat who has a wide knowledge of spells and charms, green eyes, a "sweet silken voice", and "teeth like honed polished stones". One of the creatures that Sybel cares for. Called the "Lady of the Night" by Coren.

Ter-A falcon legendary for tearing to pieces the seven murderers of his previous master. Summoned by Ogam.

[edit] Literary significance and reception

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld has been reviewed by Locus as "a mythical kingdom fantasy with a marvelous heroine, satisfying strange beasts and chilling sorcery". Publishers Weekly said "this magical moonlight fantasy has dignity and romance, heartstopping suspense, adventure, richness of concept and language."

As mentioned above, The Forgotten Beasts of Eld is the winner of the 1975 World Fantasy Award. It was a nominee for the 1975 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award nominee and won the 13th place in the 1975 Locus Poll Award for Best Novel.

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld has been referenced in Fantastic Literature: A Critrical Reader as "we can accept the final transformation of the hideous monster Blammor into the beautiful Liralen bird without necessarily agreeing with the identity of creative and destructive passions that such a metaphor implies." [2]

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ McKillip, Patricia A.The Forgotten Beasts of Eld1974, page 3
  2. ^ Sandner, David. Fantastic Literature: A Critical Reader.

[edit] References

[edit] See also