The First Journey (Alternamorphs)

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Animorphs Books
The First Journey
Narrator You (second person perspective)
Number #1
Release date March 1999
Cover art A lion, made up of small Animorphs 'A' logos
Cover quote <Join Us>
Illustrator David B. Mattingly
Pages 155
Followed by The Next Passage
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Alternamorphs #1: The First Journey is the first book of the Alternamorphs series, a spinoff of the Animorphs series. It involves a second-person narrative so as to allow the reader to actually take part in the story. It lies outside of the regular Animorphs continuity.

[edit] Plot Summary

This book loosely follows the plots of Animorphs books #1: The Invasion, and #11: The Forgotten. The book narrates from your point of view, as a sixth Animorph (Ax does not consider himself to be one of the "Animorphs"), and you are able to choose your morphs as the story progresses.

[edit] Trivia

  • A hidden message, reading <JOIN US>, can be found on the book's cover.
  • The cover reads "You are the sixth Animorph," but there are seven Animorphs on the cover. This is because the editors never referred to Ax as an Animorph, but to be what the Yeerks call him - an Andalite bandit.