The Elevation of the Cross (Rubens)

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Peter Paul Rubens. The Elevation of the Cross. 1610-1611. Oil on canvas. 462 × 341 cm. Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp.
Peter Paul Rubens. The Elevation of the Cross. 1610-1611. Oil on canvas. 462 × 341 cm. Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp.

The Elevation of the Cross is a triptych painting by Rubens.

Rubens painted The Elevation of the Cross after returning to Flanders from Italy. There is a clear influence of Italian Renaissance and Baroque artists — Caravaggio, Tintoretto, Michelangelo. The central panel illustrates a tension between the multitude of finely muscled men attempting to lift the cross and the seemingly unbearable weight of Christ on the cross.

The Raising of the Cross, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal, Antwerp
The Raising of the Cross, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal, Antwerp

Michelangelo's foreshortening is evident in the contortions of the struggling, strapping men. Christ cuts across the central panel in a diagonal, stylistically akin to Caravaggio's Entombment where both descent and ascent are in play at a key moment. Motion, space and time are illustrated along with the struggle to upright the Christ. Rubens uses dynamic color and chiaroscuro boldly, a style that will become more subtle with time.
