The Drawn Together Clip Show

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The Drawn Together Clip Show
Drawn Together episode
The producer hosts the clip show.
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 15
Written by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein
Directed by Dwayne Carey-Hill
Guest stars Chris Edgerly
Production no. 214
Original airdate March 15, 2006
Episode chronology
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"The Drawn Together Clip Show" is the twenty-second episode of the animated series Drawn Together.


[edit] Storyline

The Jew Producer gathers the cast together in front of a live audience to highlight the best of the past two seasons of Drawn Together in clip show form. He also repeatedly mentions that at the end of the episode, it will be revealed who has won the show's grand prize.

Musical number: None unique to this episode; however, several songs from previous episodes are featured. "Board of Education" is reprised from "Foxxy vs. the Board of Education", and several other songs are featured in a montage of music from the series. (see Montages below)

[edit] Viewer's Choice Awards

In a parody of numerous award shows, several clips throughout the episode are accompanied by captions proclaiming them to be viewer favorites. The "awards" are completely fictitious, however; none of the clips were actually chosen by viewers.

  • Best Clip Show: This episode.
  • Best Hiding Place: Clara and Xandir interrogating Wooldoor in "Gay Bash".

[edit] Montages

[edit] "Fun Facts"

Throughout the episode, notes designated as "DT Fun Facts" pop up on the screen in a parody of Pop-up Video. The Fun Facts presented, however, are jokes rather than actual trivia tidbits (though a couple do contain sly references).

  • Drawn Together is seen in over fifty thousand countries by over 500 billion viewers.
  • The character of Toot is based on your mother.
  • Foxxy Love has more protuberant nipples in the second season.
    • This one is true, and refers to how the character's artwork was changed in the second season to where her nipples are always sticking out.
  • Comedy Central thought they were buying a reality show.
    • Though the network obviously didn't expect Drawn Together to be a real reality show, they did expect that the series would basically play like an animated version of The Real World, and made a concerted effort to promote it as such. According to creators Jeser and Silverstein, "This is not the show Comedy Central bought. They really thought it would be a straight-on parody of The Real World. They didn't want to play up the cartoon element that much."[1]
  • Wooldoor Sockbat was the name of Hitler's dog.
  • Wooldoor was born in Puerto Rico.
    • This one is technically possible, since Wooldoor's specific place of birth has never been revealed; however, this is certainly just a gag.
  • Drawn Together is actually better than you think.
  • Most DT fun facts aren't really that fun.

[edit] Fake airdates

Several of the clips played during this episode include captions containing the title of the episode each clip comes from, as well as giving an original airdate for the episode. The airdates given are not the episodes' actual airdates (all but two take place before Drawn Together even premiered), but they do give insights into the real events the clips parody.

  • Clum Babies
    • Clip: Bob the Cucumber goes on a shooting spree.
    • Actual episode airdate: November 16, 2005
    • Airdate given: April 20, 1999
    • Real life event: The Columbine High School massacre.
    • Note: Another clip from the episode, the clip of Foxxy masturbating, is given the same airdate. This is contrast to the two "Little Orphan Hero" clips, which were given different airdates.

[edit] Notes and inside references

Our lovely host, the Producer.
Our lovely host, the Producer.
  • The idea of a "grand prize" that is mentioned as being a part of this episode has been mentioned in "Hot Tub" and "The One Wherein There Is a Big Twist", though in both of those cases, the prize turned out to be nonexistent. It turns out to be nonexistent in this case also, as at the end, the Jew Producer proclaims the viewer to be the winner of Drawn Together (much to the disgust of the studio audience).
    • During this scene, both creators, Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, can be heard heckling the show; Silverstein says, "That sucked!", while Jeser says "We hate you" and "I hope you get cancelled".
  • At one point, the Jew Producer pauses to pay tribute to all the Koreans who died animating the show. In real life, much of the animation for Drawn Together is, in fact, done in Korea. The creators have often joked in interviews and commentaries about the poor Korean children being forced to animate the program (as in a sweatshop).
  • Clara, Hero, and Toot all appear twice in the "Let's meet this year's cast" montage, while Foxxy and Wooldoor do not appear at all.
  • Captain Hero calls The Jew Producer Habibi, which is the Arabic word for "my beloved."
  • The orange smoke that appears throughout the episode is the same smoke that appears at the beginning of the "Ling-Ling Battle Song" sequence from the first season.
  • In this episode, Captain Hero and Tim Tommerson appear as two different people. This would seem to contradict the episode "Xandir and Tim, Sitting in a Tree", which revealed them to be the same person. However, given the tongue-in-cheek nature of this entire episode, none of the events that transpire here should be taken seriously.
  • During the racism montage, a clip is shown of Clara handing Foxxy a banana. This clip did not actually appear in any episode; it is an outtake from "Ghostesses in the Slot Machine". According to Executive Producer Bill Freiberger, "...there is a scene where Foxxy is mad at Clara because Clara expects Foxxy to live in a tree. In the original version, Clara tries to apologize to Foxxy by giving her a banana. Foxxy calls her racist and attacks her. When it airs, the banana part is gone because we thought it was gratuitously racist without being particularly satirical." [2]
  • An extended version of the "Foxxy has a tumor" scene from "Terms of Endearment" is shown. The original airing was considerably shorter, interrupted by a commercial. However, the scene appears in its entirety in the DVD version of "Terms of Endearment".
    • The shooting spree scene from "Clum Babies" is shortened, eliminating the part where Bob explains to Wooldoor that he saved everyone from going to hell, and is then cured of his psychosis by Wooldoor's clum baby.
  • When Wooldoor is told that millions of people have been watching him on television the past two years, he panics because he is supposed to be in the Witness Protection Program, and jumps out the window. When he reappears on the set, he is dressed as what appears to be "Weird Al" Yankovic. Each time he is shown thereafter, his costume changes. Next he is a pirate (as he appeared in "Xandir and Tim, Sitting in a Tree"), then a scuba diver, then a cowboy (as he appeared in "Captain Girl"), and finally a pilot (as he appeared in "The One Wherein There Is a Big Twist").
    • When the cast is shown right before the Wooldoor montage plays, he can be seen sitting back on the stage clapping with the rest of the cast minus Foxxy. After the montage ends, he is still sitting there. Then, when the Producer resumes talking and the camera pans back to the cast, both Wooldoor and Foxxy are absent.
  • The Jew Producer says at the very end, "See you in October", referring to the third season premiere.

[edit] Cultural references

  • This episode marks another case of Drawn Together mocking a television convention, the clip show. This particular show also mocks award shows and reunion shows, in particular the finale of multiple seasons of Survivor, which bring the entire cast back after the show is over to reveal the name of the winner in front of a live studio audience.
The housemates, Brady Bunch style.
The housemates, Brady Bunch style.
  • At one point, there is a shot where the screen is divided into nine boxes arranged in a 3x3 grid, with a different housemate in each perimeter box and the Monkey Man in the center, mimicking the way the cast appeared in the credits of The Brady Bunch.
  • When the Jew Producer opens fire on the audience, the Wilhelm scream makes yet another appearance.
  • Throughout the clip montages, a laugh track is heard constantly. This is mocking the overuse of laugh tracks in sitcoms, particularly older ones.
  • During one scene, Hero calls Tim Tommerson to the stage, then makes out with him while taunting Xandir, after which Foxxy flashes from the audience while the crowd chants "Jew-y!". This entire segment mocks The Jerry Springer Show. In this instance, the crowd shouts "Jew-y!" (referring to the Jew Producer) in the same manner that the crowd on Jerry Springer always shouts "Jerry!".
  • The Jew Producer signs off with the phrase, "And may God Bless!", which was the signoff Red Skelton always used in his radio and television broadcasts.
Preceded by
Alzheimer's That Ends Well
The Drawn Together Clip Show
March 15, 2006
Succeeded by
Freaks & Greeks