The Chronicles of Narnia (TV serial)

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The BBC produced a television adaptation of four books of C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (1988), Prince Caspian (1989), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989) and The Silver Chair (1990).

The four miniseries were later edited into three feature-length films (combining "Prince Caspian" and "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader") and released on DVD [1].

The series were nominated for a total of 14 awards, including a nomination for an Emmy in the category of "Outstanding Children's Program". The series won the BAFTA Award for "Best Video Lighting" (1988), and was nominated for "Best Children's Programme (Entertainment / Drama)" (1988, 1989 and 1990), "Best Video Lighting" (1989), "Best Make Up" (1988, 1989, 1990) and "Best Costume Design" (1988), "Best Video Cameraman" (1989, 1990) [2], [3].


[edit] The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe

Episode One: 13 November 1988

Episode Two: 20 November 1988

Episode Three: 27 November 1988

Episode Four: 4 December 1988

Episode Five: 11 December 1988

Episode Six: 18 December 1988

[edit] Main Cast

[edit] Episode One

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are evacuated from London in 1940 because of World War II. They go and live with Professor Digory Kirke at his large house in the countryside. The professor lives with his housekeeper Mrs. Macready as well as three other servants whose names are not mentioned in the programme, though in the book they are Ivy, Margaret and Betty.

Soon after their arrival, the four children are exploring the house when Lucy looks into a wardrobe and finds a snowy wood with a lamppost. She meets a faun called Mr. Tumnus and he invites her back to his cave for tea. He lulls her to sleep with his flute and when Lucy awakes Mr. Tumnus is in tears. He admits that he is working for the White Witch who rules over Narnia and makes it "always winter and never Christmas". She ordered that if he ever saw a Son of Adam or Daughter of Eve (i.e. human) in the forest, he was to take them to her. Mr. Tumnus feared that if he disobeyed the Witch, she'd find out and have him turned to stone. In the end he cannot bring himself to give Lucy up to the Witch, so he guides her back to the lamppost.

When Lucy returns to her siblings, they don't believe her story about the country in the wardrobe and Edmund is especially nasty to her about it.

A few days later, the children are playing hide and seek when Edmund follows Lucy into the wardrobe. He gets into Narnia but can't find Lucy anywhere. He then hears a jingling of bells in the distance and a horse-drawn sleigh comes into sight, with a dwarf driving it and a woman sitting on the back seat.

[edit] Episode Two

The lady introduces herself as the Queen of Narnia, and invites Edmund to come and sit on her sleigh. She uses her magical powers to give Edmund a drink and he is especially pleased when she gives him his favourite food - Turkish Delight. The Queen then asks Edmund questions about himself. He tells her that he has a brother and two sisters, and that one of his sisters had already been in Narnia and had tea with a faun. She seems particularly interested in the fact that there are four of them, and asks Edmund to bring them to her house with him some other time. The Queen promises to make Edmund a Prince, as she has no children of her own, and later a King when she dies. She then bids farewell.

Edmund returns to the lamppost and Lucy appears, telling him that she has been to see Mr. Tumnus and that the White Witch has done nothing to him for not handing her over. Edmund then asks Lucy who the White Witch is and immediately knows that she is none other than the Queen of Narnia who he has just made friends with.

When Edmund and Lucy catch up with Peter and Susan, Edmund tells the others that he and Lucy had been playing a game by pretending that the country in the wardrobe was true. Lucy is very upset and Peter is angry with Edmund for encouraging Lucy. Peter and Susan speak to the professor about Lucy's recent behaviour and the professor says that her story could well be true, as it is obvious that she is not mad and does not tell lies.

A few days later, the children are exploring the house when they come across Mrs. Macready who is accompanied by a group of visitors. Mrs. Macready is not pleased with the children for being around when she was showing the house to the visitors, and they proceed to the room with the wardrobe. They hear Mrs. Macready approaching and jump in the wardrobe. The children suddenly notice that there is indeed a snowy wood in the back of the wardrobe. They have been walking for a few minutes when Edmund forgets himself and tells them that they should be walking in the direction of the lamppost. Peter is livid with Edmund for trying to make out that Lucy was telling lies.

Lucy then tells the other three children that she is taking them to see Mr. Tumnus, but when they reach his cave, Mr. Tumnus is gone and his cave has been ransacked. A letter has been left behind that informs the children that Mr. Tumnus is under arrest and awaiting trial on a charge of high treason against the Queen of Narnia. It is signed "Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police".

[edit] Episode Three

The four children walk away from Mr Tumnus's cave and are suddenly attracted by a beaver, who appears to be waving for them to come to him. He gives Lucy the handkerchief that she gave to Mr Tumnus when he was crying, and tells them all that Aslan is on the move. He does not tell the children who Aslan is, but each of them feels a mysterious sensation.

Mr Beaver guides the children to his house which is on top of the dam next to a frozen river. His wife, Mrs Beaver, is cooking dinner and is thrilled to see the children. The two beavers and the four children finish their dinner and Mr Beaver tells them what he knows about Mr. Tumnus.

Mr Beaver is certain that Mr. Tumnus has been taken away by the Secret Police to the White Witch's house. He cannot say for sure what has happened to Mr. Tumnus, but few people taken in the White Witch's house ever come out again. The courtyard and the hall are believed to be full of statues of people that she has turned to stone. Peter is determined to do something to stop Mr. Tumnus from suffering this fate, but Mr Beaver says that Aslan - the great lion who has not been to Narnia for years - is on the move and it will be him who saves Mr. Tumnus. Mr Beaver tells the children that he will take them to see Aslan tomorrow at the Stone Table. He then tells them about the White Witch and explains that she is always on the lookout for humans in Narnia, and if she knew that there were four of them she would be more dangerous still. Mrs Beaver explains that there is a prophecy that when two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve sit on the four thrones at Cair Paravel - the palace on the Narnian coast - then it will be the end not only of the White Witch's reign, but of her life.

Lucy suddenly notices that Edmund is missing, and they all rush outside and shout his name over and over again, but he is nowhere to be seen. Mr Beaver says that there is no point in going to look for him, because they already knew where he'd gone. He is certain that Edmund had gone to the White Witch and on hearing that Edmund had already been in Narnia on his own, was convinced that he had joined the Witch's side. He had the look of one who had met the Witch, and eaten her food, and been told where she lives.

As everyone had been certain, Edmund had gone to the White Witch's house. He had first encountered Maugrim at the entrance to her castle, having passed numerous statues in the courtyard. Maugrim went inside to inform the Witch of Edmund's arrival, and reappeared soon afterwards to let Edmund in. The Witch was furious with Edmund for coming alone, and he explained that he had brought them into Narnia and that they were at the Beaver's house. When Edmund told the Witch that Aslan had also come to Narnia, she was angrier still and ordered her dwarf to prepare the sledge and use the harness without bells. "We'll creep up silently and burst upon them!" she remarked.

[edit] Episode Four

The Beavers and the three remaining children began packing bags of supplies as soon as they realised what Edmund had done, and were finally ready for the journey to the Stone Table. Before the Witch, her dwarf and Edmund departed on the sledge, the Witch summoned Maugrim and sent him to the House of the Beavers, ordering him to kill everyone that he found, and to make all speed to the Stone Table if they have already gone. Maugrim took another wolf with him and they reached the Beaver's house, he broke into the house only to find it empty.

The children and the Beavers were now well into their journey and walking through the snowy night. Mr Beaver suddenly disappeared into a hole and everyone else followed him inside. They were inside an old hiding place for beavers in bad times, where they were to stay for a few hours of sleep.

They were roused in the morning by the jingling of bells. Mr Beaver went outside to investigate and minutes later called everyone else outside. It wasn't the Witch, as they had expected, but it was Father Christmas, who had got into Narnia at last. He presented the children with their gifts: Peter had a sword and shield, Susan had a bow and arrow with a horn, and Lucy had a bottle of cordial which would restore anyone who was ill or injured. He also promised the fix Mr Beaver's dam and fit a new sluicegate as well as delivering a new sewing machine for Mrs Beaver. He then presented them all with Christmas dinner and departed, wishing them a Merry Christmas.

Meanwhile, Edmund and the White Witch travelled throughout the night on the sledge. In the morning they came across a merry party of animals eating Christmas dinner. The Witch was furious when one of the party - an old dog-fox - said that Father Christmas had given them the food, and turned them all into stone. The Witch orders the dwarf to drive on, but they are soon grounded to a halt because the snow is melting. The dwarf and Edmund try to get the sledge to move but it is no good. The Witch orders the dwarf to cut the harness from the horses and they continue the journey on foot. The dwarf later tells the Witch that her winter has been destroyed by Aslan, and she threatens to kill whichever one of them mentioned "that name" again.

By the time the beavers and the children reach the Stone Table, the snow has completely melted.

[edit] Episode Five

Aslan welcomes the beavers and the children before showing Peter a far off sight - Cair Paravel - where he will be High King of Narnia. But they are soon interrupted by Susan's horn. Peter rushes to the Stone Table where he is confronted by Maugrim. After a brief but pulsating struggle, Peter kills Maugrim with his sword and Aslan gives him the title Lord Peter Wolf's Bane. Aslan then sends out his creatures to rescue Edmund, and he is rescued just before the White Witch is about to kill him.

The White Witch later appears at the Stone Table and demands that Edmund should be handed over to her as a traitor. Aslan agrees to discuss the matter in private with the Witch and later announces to everyone that he has agreed with the Witch that Edmund should be spared. That night, Susan and Lucy follow Aslan as he leaves the encampment in the woods, where they are staying the night before the battle. Aslan quickly notices that the two girls are following him and lets them walk with him until they reach the edge of the hill on which the Stone Table is situated. The Witch and her people are waiting there and Aslan is quickly tied to the table. The Witch then kills Aslan with a knife and just before doing so, says that she will go back on her word not to kill Edmund.

[edit] Episode Six

Susan and Lucy spent the whole night at the Stone Table and during that time they notice that mice and biting away at the cords which hold Aslan's dead body to the table. The Stone Table then cracks in half and Aslan comes back to life. He reveals that there was a deeper magic from before the dawn of time which the White Witch had never known. The magic meant that if a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed on the table, the table would crack in half and the victim would come back to life. The two girls then jump on Aslan's back and they fly to the White Witch's house, where Aslan's restores all the statues - including Mr Tumnus - and Giant Rumblebuffin kicks the locked gates open to let everyone out.

Meanwhile, both sides are preparing for battle in the woods which surround the Stone Table. By the time Aslan and the restored statues return, the battle is in full swing and the Witch has already turned a number of Aslan's people into stone. Edmund then brings his sword crashing down on the Witch's wand and she knocks him out with the butt of it, only to be chased to the top of a ravine by Peter. Aslan is standing on the far side of the ravine and roars so loudly that the Witch falls to the bottom of the ravine, dying instantly. Lucy then goes around the battlefield, restoring Edmund and the other injured Narnians to health.

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are later crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia. They rule Narnia for many happy years and bring peace and prosperity to a land which had previously been plagued by the White Witch's evil regime.

Many years after coming to the Narnian throne, the four monarchs - now adults - are passing through the forest when they come across the lamp-post which they had passed on their arrival in Narnia many years earlier. They then walk deeper into the forest, pass through the wardrobe door and find themselves in the spare room at the professor's house. Mrs Macready is still talking outside in the corridor, proving correct the professor's theory that Narnia had a different time to our world - while some 15 years had passed in Narnia, only a few minutes had passed in our world. The four children then went to inform the professor of their adventures and he told them that they would never be able to get back to Narnia through the wardrobe, although they would one day return there via another route. 'Once a King in Narnia, always a King in Narnia', he commented, as the story drew to a close.

One notable change in the final episode is that there is no Hunting of the White Stag, as there was in the book. The four children (or adults as they had become) were simply enjoying a ride on their horses through the forest when they returned to their own world through the wardrobe.

[edit] Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader

[edit] Prince Caspian

[edit] Voyage of the Dawn Treader

[edit] Main Cast

The four Pevensie children are waiting at a train station when a magical force pulls them into Narnia. They land at an overgrown castle which they quickly recognise as Cair Paravel, and among the castle ruins they find some of their possessions from their time as Kings and Queens in Narnia.

Susan saves the life of a Dwarf who was about to be drowned by two soldiers on a boat. They tell him that they are the old Kings and Queens of Narnia, and he says that he has heard about them in Narnian legends. The dwarf introduces himself as Trumpkin. He has met Prince Caspian - nephew of the current monarch, King Miraz.

Caspian lives in a great castle with King Miraz and Queen Prunaprismia, who are his uncle and aunt. He has a tutor called Dr Cornelius who one night wakes him up because the Queen has given birth to a baby, and now Miraz has a direct heir Caspian is no longer any use to him and he plans to kill him. Caspian escaped on a horse but fell from his horeseback and was taken in by Trumpkin, a badger called Trufflehunter and a black dwarf called Nikabrik. These are people who live in hiding, because King Miraz hates the Old Narnians as his ancestors defeated them on their invasion hundreds of years earlier.

Meanwhile, the four Pevensies and Trumpkin are passing through woods when they encounter Miraz's soldiers. They managed to hide in bushes and the soldiers are soon gone.

That night, Lucy wakes up and hears someone calling her name. She soon realises that it is Aslan and he instructs the other to follow him. They meet him the next morning at the Stone Table - or Aslan's How at it is now known. He takes them to meet the Old Narnians and they see Caspian for the first time, after Nikabrik introduces them to two strangers that he thinks can help them defeat Miraz - a hag and a werewolf. Nikabrik even suggests that they should call on the White Witch - who has been dead 1,000 years - to try and defeat Miraz. But Caspian points out that the White Witch was 100 times worse than Miraz, and soon afterwards a fight breaks out. Nikabrik, the hag and the wer-wolf are all killed.

Peter sends a letter of challenge to King Miraz and the guard who gave it to him is Glozelle, one of the King's courtiers who along with Sopespian has been conspiring against the King. Miraz then has an argument with his two courtiers and had intended to refuse the challenge, but changes his mind at the last minute and accepts the offer. Peter eventually fights Miraz and in the struggle he stabs Miraz in the back. Miraz lies wounded on the floor and Glozelle finishes him off with a spear. A battle then begins but is quickly over. A brave mouse called Reepicheep has his tail cut off but Aslan restores it in recognition of his bravery. Aslan also names Caspian as the King of Narnia, and the Old Order is restored so Old Narnians and Telmarines are no longer enemies.

The four Pevensies then return home. Peter and Susan will not return, but Edmund and Lucy will.

This story follows on from Prince Caspian. Peter and Susan are not featured in this as Peter had to stay at the Professor's house in which we met the children in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Susan was invited to go to America for a holiday. It would have cost too much to send all four of them, so while Peter worked at the Professor's house, Edmund and Lucy were sent to stay at their cousin Eustace Scrubb's home. Unfortunately he is a selfish, boring, bossy boy who always kept complaining.

The story begins in Lucy's room with Edmund and they are both commenting on a picture on the wall and how it resembles a Narnian ship. In bursts Eustace and starts rubbishing the painting. Suddenly Lucy notices something strange about the painting and all three are sucked into it.

They find themselves reunited with their dear friend Caspian who has grown into a young man since they last saw him. He tells them of his quest to find seven lords who were friends of his father's. The quest requires them to sail through dangerous waters, encountering new islands where things are not what they seem and finally to sail to the end of the world, hoping to reach Aslan's Land.

The three children eventually return home, and before leaving they know that Caspian will marry the daughter of Ramandu (who lives on an island at the end of the world) and that the four lords who were in a deep sleep on Ramandu's island will awaken.

Surprisingly, Lucy Pevensie's character did not go barefoot for a part of the journey, a prominent feature of her character in the book that symbolises her innocence. This was due to major social taboos on going barefoot at the time.

[edit] The Silver Chair

[edit] Cast

[edit] Episodes

[edit] Episode One

Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole enter Narnia from the grounds of their school, which is plagued with bullies and where Jill is one of the most targeted victims. They enter Aslan's country but Eustace accidentally falls off a cliff. Aslan appears and blows Eustace away to Narnia, while he informs Jill of her task in Narnia. After being blown to Narnia by Aslan, she is to meet up with Eustace and tell him to greet an old friend - the aged king, Caspian. The king's heir and only son, Prince Rillian, disappeared some years ago and his father has lived in sadness ever since. It is their ultimate task to discover the lost prince and bring him back to Narnia.

Jill eventually meets Eustace near the great castle of Cair Paravel, and a boat has just departed. They realise that King Caspian is on the boat and they have missed him, but are allowed to stay at the castle after speaking to Caspian's elderly servant, Trumpkin the dwarf.

[edit] Episode Two

That night, they leave the castle with Glimfeather the owl and another owl, who take them to the Parliament of Owls for the full story on Prince Rillian. Glimfeather's friend (whose name is not mentioned) tells them that the Queen of Narnia had been killed by a vile serpent in the Narnian woods a few years earlier, and her son Rillian had gone back to the forest several times in hope of destroying the serpent, only to find no sign of it at any time. After a while, Lord Drinian (another of the King's lifelong friends) confronts Rillian and orders him to stop trying to find the serpent, as it is too dangerous.

Rillian then told Drinian to come with him to a part of the forest, where a beautiful lady appears. Drinian's horse suddenly makes a noise, and frightens the lady away. The next time Rillian went out, he failed to return. Drinian later spoke to Caspian about his and Rillian's visit to the forest, and urged the king to "slay him speedily" as a traitor, but the king could not go through with it - he had lost his queen and his son, and it would be too much for him to lose his friend as well.

The owls then speak of their belief that the woman in the forest and the deadly serpent were one and the same - and possibly of the "same crew" as the White Witch.

They aid Eustace and Jill in their search for the lost prince by taking them to a marshwiggle called Puddleglum, who acts as their guide in the quest. Shortly after beginning their journey, they encounter a group of giants who are hurling rocks off the top of a hill. In their panic, the two children manage to dodge the rocks, but then notice Puddleglum's pointed hat lying behind a rock. They fear he is dead.

[edit] Episode Three

Puddleglum emerges from behind a rock and tells the children to move on. They continue their journey through the isolated northern parts of Narnia and after some distance they meet a lady on a horse, riding on horseback alongside a knight in black armour (who does not speak a word). The lady introduces herself as the Lady of the Green Kirtle, and tells them to pay a visit to the Giants of Harfang (beyond the Ruined City of the Giants) where there will soon be an Autumn Feast.

As they pass through the Ruined City of the Giants, Jill falls down a hole which she identifies as a passage, only to find that it leads nowhere. They then continue their journey to the castle, where the King and Queen giants let them stay.

That night, Jill has a nightmare in which Aslan appears and demands that she tell him the signs that she has uncovered in her quest to find Prince Rillian - but she has missed all of them.

[edit] Episode Four

The next morning, Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum look out of a window of the castle and see the word Underme inscribed in a nearby hillside. Jill realised that she fell into the E of the message, and that Prince Rillian must be somewhere under that inscription.

They later explore the castle, and enter the kitchens. Jill reads a recipe book to find that Man is on the menu for the Autumn Feast, and Puddleglum then reads that Marshwiggle is also on the menu! They escape immediately, only to be spotted in the distance by some of the giants, who release their hounds in pursuit. Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum escape the hounds by crawling through a hole under a rock, only for them to fall a distance down a slope moments later.

They suddenly hear a voice asking them what their purpose is in the Deep Realm, and Puddleglum replies that they fell down by accident. The voices replies that many fall down, but few return to the sunlit land. The person who is speaking turns on a light and his lamp reveals a huge army of sombre-looking Earthmen. The leader of these men introduces himself as the Warden of the Underworld, and instructs them to come with him to see the Queen of the Underworld.

After walking some distance, they reach a boat which carries them to the other side of the underworld across a vast lake.

[edit] Episode Five

Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum finally finish the boat journey, and the Warden takes them to living quarters in the next phase of the Underworld. They are taken in by a knight wearing an ornate silver mask, and Eustace recognises him as the knight on horseback who had been travelling with the Lady of the Green Kirtle the previous day. The knight then shows them the Silver Chair itself - he is later restrained in it by two Earthmen, only for the others to set him free. The knight then destroys the chair with his sword and snarls: "Lie there in ruin, vile engine of sorcery."

The Knight rips away his mask and introduces himself as Prince Rillian. He thanks them all for rescuing him, and asks if his father is still alive. "He lives, my lord, but is old and frail", is Puddleglum's response.

They then proceed to leave the apartment, but the door opens just as they about to exit, and the Lady of the Green Kirtle walks in. She sees the ruined chair, and demands to the travellers: "Which one of you three has dared destroy the silver chair?"

[edit] Episode Six

Prince Rillian then confesses to his mistress that he destroyed the chair, and proceeds to tell her that he is no longer her slave - but is the rightful heir to the Narnian throne. The witch then uses her spells to convince Eustace and Jill that the "other world" (their own world and Narnia) does not exist, and that her world (the underworld) is the only world.

Puddleglum then defies the witch, only for her to knock him out with a vicious spell. She continues to hypnotise the children, while Puddleglum regains consciousness and places his hand in the witch's fire, screaming: "Aslan!"

The witch's spell on the children is crushed and they regain their memory of the overworld. Puddleglum then continues to tell the witch that he definitely did live in a place called Narnia, and even if there isn't such a place, then it is far better than the "black pit of a world" that she could come up. He finishes his taunt by stating: "We four can create a dream world to lick your real one hollow!"

The witch is furious that Puddleglum has threatened her, and as he and the other three proceed to leave, she turns into a serpent but is quickly killed by Rillian. The prince then realises that the serpent who killed his royal mother was no other than the Lady of the Green Kirtle. They then flee the apartment, but everything suddenly starts to rumble and the roof is falling down - because the witch had ordered her slaves to dig through the roof of the underworld for an invasion of the overworld. Earthmen are panicking and running all over the place outside, but the four overworlders manage to get through the carnage and reach a patch of light near the very top of the overworld.

Jill goes first and the others notice that she disappears. Eustace follows her through and they are helped through the gap by two fauns. They shout back to the others that they are in Narnia and when they come through, Glenstorm the centaur instantly recognises the last one of them as Prince Rillian.

Rillian finally makes it back to Cair Paravel, from where his father is still on a voyage to the end of the world. He had told everyone that he wanted to visit the places of his youth, but many believed that he had gone to seek Aslan to ask him who should be the next monarch of Narnia, as he didn't expect to see Rillian again. Eustace and Jill watch Caspian return to Paravel and Rillian greets his father before he dies. The audience then hail Rillian as the new king, and Aslan later appears to congratulate Eustace and Jill on the work they have done in Narnia. He then promises to take them back to their own world.

But first they stop in Aslan's Country. They look into the stream and see an image of the dead King Caspian. Under Aslan's instruction, Eustace drives a thorn into the lion's paw and the flow of blood bubbles over Caspian's face. The elderly man becomes younger in a few seconds until he is recognisable as the 13-year-old Prince Caspian. He walks on the water and greets Eustace, before telling Aslan that he has always wanted a glimpse of Eustace's world.

Aslan agrees to Caspian's request, and takes them to the outer walls of Eustace and Jill's school. Aslan forces a crack in the wall and the bullies appear at the other side, only to be chased away by the three children in knight's armour. They then say their goodbyes and the story is over.

[edit] External links