The American Review

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The American Review has served as the title of three distinct magazines:


[edit] 19th century

The American Review, alternatively known as American Review: A Whig Journal and American Whig Review, was a New York City-based periodical in the 19th century. It is known today especially for the publication of "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.

[edit] 1930s

The American Review was founded by the fascist publisher Seward Collins in 1933 as the successor to his periodical The Bookman. Collins intended it to serve as a vehicle for exploring reactionary ideas in order to promote an American version of fascism. Before it ceased publication in 1937, Collins published many notable literary and social critics, including T. S. Eliot, G. K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc, and many of the Southern Agrarians. Among the latter, Allen Tate made many appearances in the pages of The American Review.

The periodical also served as a platform for English Distributism, which advocated broad property ownership, local means of production, and subsistence farming. Many supporters of distributism were monarchists who favored a strong role for the church -- usually Anglo-Catholic or Roman Catholic&8212;and a return to a hierarchical society modeled on that of the Middle Ages. These beliefs were sometimes of a reactionary nature, as the growing industrialization of the West was seen as a grave threat to the creation of an ethical state.

In the inaugural issue of The American Review, Collins praised Benito Mussolini for creating an ethical state and championed the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, whose revolution, Collins believed, heralded the end of the Communist threat. Collins's pro-fascist statements were a constant feature of The American Review throughout its literary lifespan.

[edit] 1960s and 1970s

A literary magazine entitled The New American Review debuted in 1967; in 1973 the title was reduced to The American Review. It ceased publication in 1977.

Authors whose work was published in the American Review included E. L. Doctorow, Ralph Ellison, Philip Roth, Gunter Grass, Ian McEwan, Woody Allen, Max Apple, William Gass, and Norman Mailer.

[edit] References

[edit] External links