The Ambler Warning

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The Ambler Warning
Hardback book cover UK
Author Robert Ludlum
Cover artist Craig White
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Thriller, Spy novel
Publisher St. Martin's Press (USA) & Orion (UK)
Publication date 25 October 2005
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 489 pp (hardback edition)
ISBN ISBN 0-312-31671-2 (hardback edition)

The Ambler Warning is a Robert Ludlum spy thriller that takes us to a place on Parrish Island, a restricted island off the coast of Virginia. Left as an incomplete manuscript by Ludlum's death in 2001, the author's estate hired an author and an editor to finalize the manuscript for publication in October 2005. Early sales placed it on The New York Times Best Seller List within a month of its release.

[edit] Plot introduction

Inside a little known and seldom visited psychiatric facility, Parrish Island, the government stores former intelligence employees whose psychiatric state make them a danger to their own government, people whose ramblings might endanger ongoing operations or prove dangerously inconvenient.

[edit] Plot summary

One of these employees, former Consular Operations agent Hal Ambler is kept heavily medicated and closely watched. But, there's one difference between Hal and the other patients - Hal isn't crazy. With the help of a sympathetic nurse, Hal manages to first clear his mind of the drug-induced haze and then pulls off a daring escape. Now he's out to discover who stashed him here and why - but the world he returns to isn't the one he remembers. Friends and longtime associates don't remember him, there is no official record of Hal Ambler, and, when he first sees himself in the mirror, the face that looks back at him is not the one he knows as his own.After meeting some of his old pals who do not recognize him Ambler goes to a cabin in certain part of country which was his lone solace even during his days as a field agent.When he reaches the place to his surprise he finds no cabin,and the landscape looked such that there hadnt been any before.A bullet nearly got him while he was off the guard.He tracks down the sniper and forces the sniper,who was a freelancer,to give him his password. He then contacts the agency that is trackinng him down. Ambler comes in contact with agents from his past in the Political Stabilization Unit. His friend is shot and killed by a Chinese intelligence officer who believes Ambler wants to assassinate the Chinese head of state. He uncovers a conspiracy involving a State Department official to kill the Chinese President. He stops the conspiracy and relaxes with a CIA officer who helped him in his search.

[edit] External links