The 957th Day

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The 957th Day
Produced by United States Navy
Release date(s) 1944
Running time 10 min.
Country Flag of the United States U.S.A.
Language English

The 957th Day was a propaganda short produced by the US Navy in 1944.

The film uses authentic battle footage of the taking of Guam on July 21, 1944, and one narration follows the battle chronologically, while another narration mimics a radio news caster voice. The newscaster related mundane activities like baseball standings, what song is on the top of the charts, and whether, but also news relative to the war effort, like the amount of steel that Pittsburgh has shipped, the monthly Selective Service quota, and the news that one worker got a medal for not missing one day of work since Dec. 8, 1941. This is all superimposed on some very graphic combat footage.

[edit] See also

List of Allied propaganda films of World War II

[edit] External links