The 22 June song
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The 22 June song was a Soviet folk song during World War II based on the melody of the pre-war song The Blue Kerchief ("Синий платочек") composed by Jerzy Petersburski.
"On June, 22nd, at 4:00 o'clock sharp at the morning"
(Translated by Andrey
- On June, 22nd --] 15:51, 14 March 2006 (UTC)'
- At 4:00 o'clock sharp in the morning
- Kiev was bombed, we were informed,
- The war has begun
- The war began at dawn
- For killing more people.
- Parents were sleeping, their children were sleeping
- When the Germans began to bomb Kiev.
- The huge avalanches of enemies were coming
- And it was no forces there to hold them,
- When they came on the lands of dear Ukraine
- They began to kill people.
- All Ukrainian people arose --[, 14 March 2006 (UTC)
- For dear Ukrainian Motherland.
- All men were going into action
- Firing their house and plant [1].
- Many shells and many mines were exploding,
- Many tanks were thundering by an armor,
- Red falcons [2] were twirling in the sky
- And were rushing in West like arrows.
- A severe winter began,
- Enemies were close to Moscow,
- Many guns were firing, many mines were exploding,
- Tearing the Germans in pieces.
- The battle for the capital finished
- The Germans took to their heels -
- They abandoned many tanks, they abandoned many mines
- They left some thousands soldiers.
- Remember, Hanses and Fritzes [3],
- The time will come soon, it will be time
- When we beat your lousy nape
- And you will remember us.
- Remarks of Andrey:
- [1] As in original text, not plural, but singular
- [2] “Red falcons” means “Soviet fighter-planes” here
- [3] "Hans" and "Fritz" –are Russian common names of Germans, like Germans called
- all Russians as "Ivan".
- Двадцать второго июня, ровно в 4 часа
- Музыка: Е. Петербургский
- Двадцать второго июня,
- Ровно в четыре часа
- Киев бомбили, нам объявили
- Что началася война.
- Война началась на рассвете
- Чтоб больше народу убить.
- Спали родители, спали их дети
- Когда стали Киев бомбить.
- Врагов шли большие лавины,
- Их не было сил удержать,
- Как в земли вступили родной Украины
- То стали людей убивать.
- За землю родной Батькивщины
- Поднялся украинский народ.
- На бой уходили все -все мужчины,
- Сжигая свой дом и завод.
- Рвалися снаряды и мины,
- Танки гремели броней,
- Ястребы красны в небе кружили,
- Мчались на запад стрелой.
- Началася зимняя стужа
- Были враги близ Москвы,
- Пушки палили, мины рвалися
- Немцев терзая в куски.
- Кончился бой за столицу
- Бросились немцы бежать
- Бросили танки, бросили мины,
- Несколько тысяч солдат.
- Помните Гансы и Фрицы
- Скоро настанет тот час
- Мы вам начешем вшивый затылок,
- Будете помнить вы нас.