The 22 June song

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The 22 June song was a Soviet folk song during World War II based on the melody of the pre-war song The Blue Kerchief ("Синий платочек") composed by Jerzy Petersburski.

"On June, 22nd, at 4:00 o'clock sharp at the morning"

(Translated by Andrey

On June, 22nd --] 15:51, 14 March 2006 (UTC)'
At 4:00 o'clock sharp in the morning
Kiev was bombed, we were informed,
The war has begun
The war began at dawn
For killing more people.
Parents were sleeping, their children were sleeping
When the Germans began to bomb Kiev.
The huge avalanches of enemies were coming
And it was no forces there to hold them,
When they came on the lands of dear Ukraine
They began to kill people.
All Ukrainian people arose --[, 14 March 2006 (UTC)
For dear Ukrainian Motherland.
All men were going into action
Firing their house and plant [1].
Many shells and many mines were exploding,
Many tanks were thundering by an armor,
Red falcons [2] were twirling in the sky
And were rushing in West like arrows.
A severe winter began,
Enemies were close to Moscow,
Many guns were firing, many mines were exploding,
Tearing the Germans in pieces.
The battle for the capital finished
The Germans took to their heels -
They abandoned many tanks, they abandoned many mines
They left some thousands soldiers.
Remember, Hanses and Fritzes [3],
The time will come soon, it will be time
When we beat your lousy nape
And you will remember us.
Remarks of Andrey:
[1] As in original text, not plural, but singular
[2] “Red falcons” means “Soviet fighter-planes” here
[3] "Hans" and "Fritz" –are Russian common names of Germans, like Germans called
all Russians as "Ivan".
Двадцать второго июня, ровно в 4 часа
Музыка: Е. Петербургский
Двадцать второго июня,
Ровно в четыре часа
Киев бомбили, нам объявили
Что началася война.
Война началась на рассвете
Чтоб больше народу убить.
Спали родители, спали их дети
Когда стали Киев бомбить.
Врагов шли большие лавины,
Их не было сил удержать,
Как в земли вступили родной Украины
То стали людей убивать.
За землю родной Батькивщины
Поднялся украинский народ.
На бой уходили все -все мужчины,
Сжигая свой дом и завод.
Рвалися снаряды и мины,
Танки гремели броней,
Ястребы красны в небе кружили,
Мчались на запад стрелой.
Началася зимняя стужа
Были враги близ Москвы,
Пушки палили, мины рвалися
Немцев терзая в куски.
Кончился бой за столицу
Бросились немцы бежать
Бросили танки, бросили мины,
Несколько тысяч солдат.
Помните Гансы и Фрицы
Скоро настанет тот час
Мы вам начешем вшивый затылок,
Будете помнить вы нас.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
