Talk:The Egg and I

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There is nothing about any The Egg and I television series being shown on U.S. network television or in major syndication in The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV Shows by by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh, which is about as exhaustive and authoritative as any work on that topic can be. The movies have been endlessly shown on television, especially years ago, and were often shown daily or weekly at the same time until all had been shown, usually in consecutive order. Could this be what a contributor is remembering as a "short-lived TV series"? I'll leave this for a little while for everyone to see and comment on before editing it out, but I believe this to be the case. Rlquall 02:32, 6 May 2005 (UTC)

My own copy of "The Egg and I" gives the copyright date as 1945, not 1946. (Harper & Row Perennial 0-06-091428-9). Perhaps the manuscript was received late in the year.