Gauntlet III: The Final Quest

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Gauntlet III: The Final Quest
Gauntlet III: The Final Quest Gauntlet III: The Final Quest with its contents; three disks, combination lock card, and instructions.
Developer(s) Tengen
Publisher(s) U.S. Gold
Platform(s) Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum
Release date 1991
Genre(s) Action, Adventure
Mode(s) One player
Media Three disks
Input methods Keyboard, or Control stick

Gauntlet III: The Final Quest is a home computer game by U.S. Gold and Tengen it was released in 1991 for the following systems; Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum.[1] It was released one year after Gauntlet: The Third Encounter which was for the Atari Lynx. Besides the standard four main Gauntlet characters: Thor, Thyra, Merlin, and Questor, four new playable characters were available: Petras, a rock man; Dracolis, a lizard man; Blizzard, an ice man; and Neptune a Merman.


[edit] Story

A land called Capra was having many wars among its kingdoms; peace would come but then another war would start. Then one day a wizard named Magnus came and brought peace, but to make sure there would never be another war he created a door to the dark dimensions from which evil things would come, if there was ever another war. "This be the Final Peace for if it is broken, all Capra will be at the mercy of the devourers."[2] Then the Velcrons came to these kingdoms. They were servants of the things behind the door. They took over the magic kingdom and their king, Capricorn, held the wizard as his captive. Evil slowly came from this magic kingdom, bringing plagues, and even poisoning the food. The people of these lands begin to hate, and the peace was threatened. Eight champions have come to try and put an end to the darkness covering their land.

[edit] Gameplay

It is an original game with a isometric projection type view that would later be used in Gauntlet Legends and other Gauntlet games made after Legends. Its view is much like that of Solstice. The player walks around various areas of each kingdom, passing from one area to the next, forest areas and castle dungeons, with logs, tables and other obstacles blocking the player's path, creating a maze-like area. Each area has at least one doorway or pathway to the next. At times certain things must be done in order to advance into the next area. A combination lock key was packaged with the game and was needed to open certain doors, for which if someone made a pirated version of the game they wouldn't be able to get past that portion of the game without the Combination Key. The key was a piece of cardboard with a wheel on it; thewheel had holes and when the numbers and letters were lined up correctly another letter would appear in one of its 18 holes.

The enemies in this version, as in other Gauntlet games, come mostly from generators that keep producing the enemies until the generators are destroyed. Enemies from the arcade games are:

  • Ghosts
  • Sorcerers, or wizards
  • Death
  • Dragons

Other elements from the series also make an appearance, such as potions that make enemies disappear or weaken them, food (both good and poisonous), invincibility amulets, and treasure chests, some of which can contain traps or other items the player would need.

The back side of the box has the tagline, "The Gates of Hell are Open..." The cover illustration is by Peter Andrew Jones.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Moby Games review
  2. ^ Instruction Booklet for Gauntlet III: The Final Quest