Terry Duckworth

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Coronation Street character
Image:Terry Duckworth.jpg
Terry as he first appeared in 1983
Terry Duckworth
Portrayed by Nigel Pivaro
Duration 1983–1987, 1992–1993, 1996–1997, 1999–2001, 2002, 2008
First appearance 1 August 1983
Last appearance 28 January 2008
Date of birth 4 June 1964 (1964-06-04) (age 44)
Home Wolverhampton
Occupation Mobile Phone Salesman

Terrence Edgar "Terry" Duckworth was a fictional character in the British television soap opera Coronation Street, the son of Jack and Vera Duckworth. He was played by Nigel Pivaro, and joined the cast in 1983. He was a regular character until he departed in 1987 and returned in 1992 becoming a recurring character throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. His most recent appearance came in early 2008.

Terry was not a "bad lad" when he arrived in the Street in 1983 (having supposedly finished a stint in the Parachute Regiment). The first sign of his bad side came when he broke into Alf Roberts's corner shop while drunk. Terry has three children: Paul (whose mother was the Duckworths' teenage next-door neighbour, Andrea Clayton, born 1986); Tommy (born 9 September 1992, mother Lisa Duckworth (nee Horton)); and Ben Armstrong (born 14 February 1997, mother Tricia Armstrong, with whom Terry had a brief fling).

After departing in 1987 he returned to the street in early 1992 with pregnant girlfriend Lisa Horton. A few months later he was arrested for GBH, and Lisa arrived at Jack and Vera's to tell them that he was in prison. He was allowed out to marry Lisa, but used it as an excuse to abscond. He was captured a few days later and sentenced to three years. In September that year, Lisa gave birth to a son called Tommy, but she was knocked down and killed by a car outside the Rovers early the following year after dumping Terry for bookie Des Barnes. Jack and Vera tried to take care of Tommy, but struggled.

Terry returned from prison after serving half his sentence in December 1993, and kidnapped his own son Tommy, and sold him to his father and mother-in-law, saying that Jack and Vera were unfit to take care of Tommy. Having "sold" Tommy to his parents-in-law, the Hortons, in Blackpool, he left the Street quickly after his dad Jack disowned him.

He returned to the Street in June 1996, and got Tricia Armstrong pregnant with baby Ben after a one-night stand. He had also brought back his son Tommy with him from Blackpool after Tommy's grandparents failed to pay him the money that they had agreed to pay Terry each year for Tommy.

Terry saw a chance for some easy cash when he learned his parents now ran the Rovers Return and played the model son, but his plans to make a quick buck fell through as the pub was reabsorbing most of it's profits, leaving Jack and Vera with little spare to spend. When he got £10,000 (in exchange for a contract giving the Hortons full custody until he was 18) he gave Tommy back to his grandparents. Vera was devastated that Terry had sold his son again, and after ordering his photograph to be thrown in the bin, she wrote him out of her will, leaving everything to Tommy while Jack completely disavowed his son's existence. He then left at the end of June with his tail between his legs

Terry returned for a week stint in April 1997, much to his parent's anger however Tricia was elated, even though Terry couldn't even remember her name. Tricia, after initially thinking Terry was going to settle down with her and Ben after his return, realised he was never going to a father to Ben, and left the Street with her new boyfriend Ray Thorpe. Terry meanwhile once again tried to cheat Jack and Vera out of their takings earned from Rover's Return when he was given some money in an envelope from Jack to put into the bank and Terry decided to take the whole money and leave. However when he discovered the envelope was empty with plain pieces of paper in it, he went back to Rover's Return angry that there was no money in the envelope. Jack revealed he knew Terry would try to run off with the money so he set a trap and it was successful. Feeling disgraced, he left once again.

He turned up in August 1999 and sold Vera a posh car. But the car turned out to be a death trap when it was involved in a car crash which indirectly resulted in the death of Judy Mallett in September. On Christmas Day 1999 Terry interrupted a Christmas dinner and was punched by Judy's husband Gary for causing Judy's death. Jack then told his son how much misery he had brought down on Gary, and told him to never darken their doorstep again. Alone with Terry, Vera finally stood up to her son and told him he was evil and slapped him before throwing him out in disgrace also telling him never to return.

Terry resented it when Tyrone Dobbs moved in and became a second son to Jack and Vera. In November 2000, when his other son, Paul, by Andrea Clayton, needed a kidney transplant, Terry returned and offered to be a donor – for a price. But once he had the money he fled, leaving his mother Vera to donate instead. Reading a letter penned to him by Vera in case the worst should happen, she admitted to Jack a fling early in their marriage which cast doubt on Terry's paternity. Jack admitted to Curly that he knew of the affair (and, unknown to Vera, had put a stop to it by giving her lover a battering) but he also had no doubt in his mind that Terry was his son as he reminded Jack too much of himself. The operation saved Paul's life, but nearly cost Vera hers when she had an allergic reaction. Terry, in a rare show of heart, returned to the hospital (unnoticed by his parents) to make sure his mother was okay before disappearing.

Jack and Vera heard from Terry once again as he was in prison in October 2001. He claimed he had been framed for an attempted murder by a policeman who wanted revenge because Terry had been having an affair with his wife. This turned out to be true, and Jack helped him, despite his better instincts. Terry was released from prison in January 2002 when he was proven to be innocent and after making his peace with Jack and Vera he left.

Terry eventually set up home with a girlfriend called Nadine in Sheffield, and went onto sell double glazing for a living. Terry has since moved to Wolverhampton and moved into Mobile phone sales. Terry returned on January 28, 2008 for Vera's funeral. However while Terry was ostensibly there for the funeral, he immedietly caused dischord when he failed to recognise Paul, and it soon became clear that he was mostly there just to make sure that Jack wouldn't be wanting to move in with him. After 'persuading' him not to sell to Tyrone and Molly, and tellng Paul he probably wouldn't see him again until "the old man snuffs it", he said a quick goodbye to his father and left.