
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Teran (Italian: Carso Terrano) is a red wine produced on the Kras plateau in the Slovenian Littoral and in the northeastern Italian region of Friuli - Venezia Giulia, as well as in the West Istrian wine region of Croatia. It is made from the grapes of the vine refošk (Italian: refosco). It is a thick red wine . It has a very high lactic acid content. It is often drunk to complement the pršut (prosciutto) from Kras.

The teran wine is produced from the refosco grape only if its grown on the specific terra rossa soil, which is found on very restricted areas. In Slovenia, those areas are found in the municipalities of Sežana and Komen, and in Italy in the communes of Monrupino, Sgonico and Duino-Aurisina. In all other areas, the name "teran" is actually used as an alternative name for the refosco wine.

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