
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a Wikipedia user page.

This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user to whom this page belongs may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at

This user does everything within his or her power to think freely and to not manipulate others' free thought.

Avril Lavigne Rules!
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This user lives in the United Kingdom.
This user is proud to be British.
This user's time zone is BST.
MUSE This user's favourite band is Muse.
This user likes alternative rock.
This user enjoys indie rock.
en-gb This user can speak British English.
This user supports the English English language.
en-gb-5 This user believes that British English is the only real English, and is likely to respond to any use of American English with “how crude!”.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
HTML-4 This user is an expert HTML user.
css-3 This user is an advanced Cascading Style Sheets user.
xhtml This user can write XHTML.
php-1 This user is a beginning PHP programmer.
This user opposes the installation of any kind of advertisements on Wikimedia Foundation operated sites.
This user uses an AMD processor
g This user contributes using Gentoo Linux.
SI This user prefers the metric system of measurement.
AIM-Able This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not use it. Ever. Well, sarcastically sometimes. But that's it. Really. lulz.
to / too
/ two
This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
their / there / they’re This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they’re worse than their own children at spelling!
This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately....
This user uses NoScript because JavaScript and other Web technologies are abused too much.
This user is opposed to online censorship.

[edit] What's all that nonsense with image uploads?

When I optimise images, I put the settings I used, in case they're useful for someone else to further improve the compression.

I put the type of filter used (from 0 to 5), followed by the block split threshold, followed by whether the Huffman tables are randomised (if applicable).

In earlier attempts I wrote the whole thing out in full. Now I simply abbreviated it as (x;x;r).

[edit] To all incredibly negligent and incompetent bot operators

I do not upload anything other than optimisations, for which the output is exactly the same. Therefore, don't tell me about vague copyright status. I'm sick and tired of automated spam on this matter and will ignore all of it.

[edit] What else do you do, you know, that's useful?

Not much.

Sometimes I go through articles removing vagueness and simplifying language, usually adhering to the mantra of George Orwell's Politics and the English Language.

  • If less words can be used to state the same thing, then less words should be used.
  • If simpler words can be used to express the same factual knowledge, simpler words should be used.
  • If a word or sentence is vaguer than it needs to be, then be more specific.
  • Stating the same thing twice with different language is superfluous.
  • If a word or sentence is loaded, unload it, or remove it entirely.
  • Semiotic level propoganda is the most effective of all propoganda - without being able to think neutrally, neutrality is impossible. Thus remove this (including marketspeak, PRspeak etc).

Yes PR departments, I'm your worst nightmare ;)