Tenualosa toli

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Toli shad
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Clupeiformes
Family: Clupeidae
Genus: Tenualosa
Species: T. toli
Binomial name
Tenualosa toli
(Valenciennes, 1847)

Tenualosa toli or Ilsha Chandana is a shad of the Clupeidae family, available in western Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal to the Java Sea and the South China Sea. It may be found in Mauritius[1] and the Cambodian Mekong near the Viet Nam border. [2] It inhabits fast-flowing, turbid estuaries and adjacent coastal waters,[3] ascending rivers to breed. T. Toli is distinguished from similar clupeids, except Hilsa kelee, by a distinct median notch in upper jaw. Biology of this protandrous hermaphrodite[4] is presumed to be similar to that of T. ilisha, but the fewer gill rakers suggest an intake of larger species of zooplankton as food.[5]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Fricke, R., Fishes of the Mascarene Islands (Réunion, Mauritius, Rodriguez): an annotated checklist (Vol. 31), 1999, p. 759, Reference 33390, FishBase; Retrieved: 2008-01-13
  2. ^ Rainboth, W.J., Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong, FAO Species Identification Field Guide for Fishery Purposes, 1996, p. 265, Reference 12693, FishBase; Retrieved: 2008-01-13
  3. ^ Blaber, S.J.M., J. Pang, P. Wong, O. Boon-Teck, L. Nyigo and D. Lubim, The life history of the tropical shad Tenualosa toli from Sarawak, 1996, p. 225-242, Reference 26929, FishBase; Retrieved: 2008-01-13
  4. ^ Allsop, D.J. and S.A. West, Constant relative age and size at sex change for sequentially hermaphroditic fish, 2003, p. 921-929, Reference 55367, FishBase; Retrieved: 2008-01-13
  5. ^ Vidthayanon, C., Thailand red data: fishes, 2005, p. 108, Reference 58784, FishBase; Retrieved: 2008-01-13

[edit] Source
