Tenoumer crater

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Landsat image of the Tenoumer crater; screen capture from NASA World Wind
Landsat image of the Tenoumer crater; screen capture from NASA World Wind
Oblique Landsat image of Tenoumer crater draped over digital elevation model (x3 vertical exaggeration); screen capture from NASA World Wind
Oblique Landsat image of Tenoumer crater draped over digital elevation model (x3 vertical exaggeration); screen capture from NASA World Wind

Tenoumer is a meteorite crater in Mauritania.

It is 1.9 km in diameter and the age is estimated to be 21,400 ± 9,700 years placing it in the Pleistocene. The crater is exposed at the surface.

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Coordinates: 22°55′5″N, 10°24′27″W
