Tengen (Go)

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Tengen (Go)
Full name Tengen
Started 1975
Honorary Winners Rin Kaiho
Sponsors Three Newspaper Companies
Prize money 14 million Yen ($122,000 USD)
Affiliation Nihon Ki-in

Tengen (天元, center or origin of heaven) is the center point on a Go board. For the position, see the article about Go terms. It is also the name of a Go competition in Japan.


[edit] Tengen Competition (天元戦)

The Tengen competition is a Go competition used by the Japanese Nihon-Kiin and Kansai-Kiin. The Tengen is the 5th of the 7 big titles in Japanese Go. It uses the format like the other tournaments. There is a preliminary tournament, which is single knockout, where the winner faces the holder in a best-of-five match. Before the 6th Tengen, the format was different. Instead of the title holder waiting for a challenger, it would be the two players left from the single knockout tournament who then played a best-of-five match to determine the holder.

[edit] Past winners

Player Years Held
Fujisawa Hideyuki 1975
Kobayashi Koichi 1976, 1985, 1986, 1998, 1999
Shimamura Toshiohiro 1977
Kato Masao 1978 - 1981
Kataoka Satoshi 1982, 1983
Ishida Yoshio 1984
Cho Chikun 1987, 1988
Rin Kaiho 1989 - 1993
Ryu Shikun 1994 - 1996, 2000
Kudo Norio 1997
Hane Naoki 2001 - 2003
Yamashita Keigo 2004
Kono Rin 2005, 2006

[edit] Trivia

  • The only player to repeat before the 6th Tengen was Kato Masao.

[edit] See also