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Teleflora is a floral wire service company which brokers orders to local florists for delivery.[1] It offers florist-to-florist clearinghouse services through its self-owned network known as the Dove network. [2] Teleflora eventually merged with several other florist wire services such as Redbook Floral Services in 1997 and with American Floral Services (AFS) in 2001. [3]

Teleflora serves as a clearinghouse for florist shops all over the world, and has approximately 25,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, and 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America. [4]

Teleflora is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and has offices in Oklahoma City Oklahoma, and Paragould, Arkansas.[5]

[edit] Competitors

[edit] References

[edit] External links and further readings