Ted Engstrom

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Ted W. Engstrom was the former head of Youth for Christ International and World Vision International. The evangelical leader and author was known for showing churches, parachurch ministries and other non-profit organizations how to apply business concepts and avoid losing money. Engstrom was one of the founding architects of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

Engstrom began his career with Zondervan Publishing House in the 1940s. In 1947. he directed a 10-day evangelistic crusade led by a young evangelist named Billy Graham. This developed into a lifelong friendship.

In 1951, Engstrom became executive director of Youth for Christ International. In 1963, he was recruited as executive vice president of World Vision International by Bob Pierce, that organization's founder. Engstrom served two years as president of the organization before retiring in 1987.

Ted Engstrom died July 14, 2006 at his home in Southern California. He was 90.